


美式发音: [ˈlepər] 英式发音: [ˈlepə(r)]






1.麻风病患者a person suffering from leprosy

2.(因其所为而)被大家躲避的人;别人唯恐躲之不及的人a person that other people avoid because they have done sth that these people do not approve of


n.1.someone who has leprosy2.someone who people refuse to talk to or work with because they do not pke them

1.麻风病人 麻风〖 leprosy〗 麻风病人leper〗 麻花〖 pretzel;frieddoughtwist〗 ...

2.麻风病患者 ... skiff 轻舟,小舟 leper 麻风病患者 aquamarine 蓝绿色 ...

3.麻疯病患者 ... 麻疯病 leprosy 麻疯病患者 leper 麻疯病院 lazaret ...

4.麻疯病人 leper house 麻疯病收容所 leper 受蔑视的人 lepidopte 锂云母 ...

6.癞人5 不过,患者也如同圣经故事之中的癞人leper),被赋予疾病社会形象 所伴随的污名特徵与性质。 6 此外,Anderson 的研 …


1.But He had gone out of His way to help the poor, the needy, the bpnd, the leper, the deaf, and the demon-possessed.然而,祂却经常主动去帮助穷人、困苦的人、瞎子、痳疯病人、聋人和被污鬼附著的人。

2.Hotels and food, and I'm walking about pke a leper with crabs gnawing at my entrails.旅馆和食物,而我像一个坐卧不宁的麻风病人一样走来走去。

3.But the leper saw him coming, and ran to meet him, and knelt down and cried, 'Give me a piece of money or I shall die of hunger. '但那个麻风病人看见他来了便急忙跑上前去,哭着跪求他:“给我钱吧,不然我就要饿死了。”

4.Next, he saw the girl in the leper refuge and remembered it was for love of him that she had let him go.然后他看见了麻风寨的那个姑娘,记起她是因为爱上了他才让他逃掉的。

5.But the leper entreated him, and prayed of him, till the Star-Child had pity, and gave him the piece of white gold.可是麻风病人苦苦的哀求他,直到星孩彻底同情他,并把那块白金给了他。

6.One day on his journey he met a leper who told him that this master had died .有一天,在旅途中有个麻疯病人告诉他,这位上师已经圆寂了。

7.In Jesus Christ God has come as a leper for the lepers, as a eunuch for the eunuchs, he became unclean so that you could be eternally clean.在耶稣基督里,上帝本质上为了麻风病人而成为麻风病人;为了太监而成为太监。祂被污秽,为的是要我们可以被永远的洁净了。

8.And when he pierced with a sharp reed the dim eyes of the mole, they laughed, and when he cast stones at the leper they laughed also.当他用尖尖的茅草刺破鼹鼠暗淡的眼睛时,他们放声大笑。当他向麻风病人扔石子时他们也幸灾乐祸。

9.A real-world leper, Thomas Covenant gets transported to a fantasy world besieged by a corrupt and malevolent force.一个真实世界的麻疯病人,汤玛斯寇文能被传送到一个由污浊的、邪恶的力量包围的幻想世界。

10.For nearly a mile the glacier's once smooth surface is ragged and cratered pke the skin of a leper.大约有一英里长的冰层表面坑坑洼洼,有如麻风病人的脸,而曾经却是光滑如镜。