

Operation Room

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1.手术室 hurt 痛 operation-room 手术室 physical exam 体检 ...


1.The woman , tears in her face, saw his son who were injured and went into operation room.这个妇女泪流满面的看着她受伤的儿子被送进手术室。

2.Construction of a cleaning operation room is the developing trend and one of the important symbols of modern hospitals.洁净手术室是当代医院的发展趋势,也是现代化医院的重要标志。

3.His wife was sent into the operation room, he walked to and fro in the corridor, smoking one cigarette.他妻子被推进了手术室,他在外面来回走动,一支接一支的抽烟,当看到门打开时,他心里一阵紧张。

4.The wife was sent to the operation room the moment we reached the hospital, leaving us waiting impatiently outside.我们一到医院,他妻子就立马被送进了手术室,大伙儿只好在外面焦躁的等待。

5.The hospital has asked various voluntary organizations to help raise money for the new operation room.医院已呼吁各种志愿组织帮助为新的手术室募集资金。

6.The operating table is disposed on the bottom floor of the operation room.手术台安装在手术室的底层地板上。

7.Digital operation room is one of the important parts in building digital hospital.数字化手术室是今后手术室建设的发展方向,也是医院数字化建设的重要组成部分。

8.Operation room is an important demonstration teaching-room for the medical students and further-study doctors in surgical teaching.手术室作为外科教学的一个重要实习基地,经常要接纳进修医生和学生进行手术现场观摩。

9.Objective Apppcation of the system theory to the management of operation-room nursing care.目的探讨运用系统论在手术室护理管理中的应用。

10.Results The whole quapty of nursing in operation room had been increased, and affirmed by hospital leaders and surgery doctor.结果提高了手术室护士的整体素质,得到了院领导和外科医生的肯定。