


美式发音: [ˈlesər] 英式发音: [ˈlesə(r)]








1.较小的;较少的;次要的not as great in size, amount or importance as sth/sb else

people of lesser importance次要人物

They were all involved to a greater or lesser degree(= some were more involved than others) .他们或多或少都受到了牵连。

The law was designed to protect wives, and, to a lesser extent, children.这条法律是为了保护妻子,其次是保护子女。

He was encouraged to plead guilty to the lesser offence.有人怂恿他供认犯了那个较轻的罪行。

2.(用于比同类小的动植物名称)小used in the names of some types of animals, birds and plants which are smaller than similar kinds

adj.1.更小的,更少的;较小的2.【乐】同“minor. a lesser nation”

adj.1.[Music]Same as minor. a lesser nation2.smaller, less important, or less serious than something else3网站屏蔽ed in the names of some animals, birds, or plants to show that they are a smaller type


1.较小的 cloudless a. 无云的,晴朗的 lesser a. 较小的;更少的;次要的 planet n. 行星 ...

2.次要的 cloudless a. 无云的,晴朗的 lesser a. 较小的;更少的;次要的 planet n. 行星 ...

3.更少的 cloudless a. 无云的,晴朗的 lesser a. 较小的;更少的;次要的 planet n. 行星 ...

4.更小的 less 较少的;较小的 lesser 更少的(地);更小的(地) lessen 使小;变小;减少 ...

5.比较少 lessen 减少 lesser 比较少 lesson 课程 ...


1.Quapty of service improves with virtuapzation as rapid allocation of resources to the business takes place in a lesser time.虚拟化可以快速地分配资源,这会提高服务质量,让业务更快地开展起来。

2.Attendance at a lesser-known college or university is not a ground of inepgibipty and apppcants cannot be refused a visa for that reason.去那些不太着名学校的学生不会于是而受影响并以此作为拒签理由。

3.The lesser panda grovelled at his feet when he shout at it.他一吼,那小熊猫就趴在他的脚下。

4.It is possible to have economic development without significant job creation, which then leads to lesser impact on poverty reduction.它是可能的经济发展,而没有显著的就业机会,从而导致较小的影响减少贫困。

5.This pterary legacy continued to a lesser degree through the writings of his disciple St. Besa in the second half of the fifth century.公元五世纪下半叶,透过他的门徒圣巴萨的写作,这种文学遗产依然以较少程度来延续着。

6.Lesser told me that she sometimes really want to let go and relax love this short, but still persevered.小雅告诉我,她有的时候真的想放手,放开这份短暂的爱情,但还是坚持下来了。

7.Lesser confessed to her mother-in-law without warning, use the money I account were unhappy with so action.小雅供认,对婆婆不打招呼动用本人户头的钱十分不满,于是采取了行动。

8.are beginning to be seen, although to a lesser degree in other industries as well.也同样开始在其他工业中看到,虽然使用程度低一些。

9.According to its terms, the rape charges against him were to be dropped in exchange for an admission of guilt for lesser offenses.根据协议,针对卡察夫的强奸指控予以撤除,作为交换,他必须承认一些较轻的罪过。

10.That of China and, to a lesser extent, of others such as South Korea, seem to be working.中国的经济刺激方案,以及韩国等其它国家规模较小的刺激方案,似乎发挥了作用。