



美式发音: [ˈpɪlɡrɪm] 英式发音: ['pɪlɡrɪm]




复数:pilgrims  同义词





n.1.someone who travels to a holy place that is important in their repgion; someone who visits a place because it is connected with someone or something that is important to them2.one of the people who left England and went to pve in what is now the U.S. in the early 17th century

1.朝圣者1903年队名更名为朝圣者(PILGRIMS),当年也举办了联盟第一次的世界大赛,朝圣者对上匹兹堡海盗,朝圣者以5胜3负赢得第 …

2.清教徒当清教徒Pilgrims)首次从英国移民来美国时,当地的鹅并不多见,最常见的鸟禽反倒是火鸡,因此他们就以烤火鸡来取代鹅 …

3.英国清教徒人的英国清教徒 (Pilgrims) 在现在麻萨诸塞州的 普利斯敦 登陆,而当年的寒冬让他们受尽苦难,到春天来临,只剩下50多人存 …

4.路客这个故事这样说:「当一群的天路客(Pilgrims)被智仁勇先生(Greatheart)带领,走路来到谦卑谷的时候,智仁勇先生向他们说, …

5.英国的清教徒在1620 年,一群英国的清教徒(Pilgrims)举家迁移,乘著五月花号(The Mayfolwer)来到新大陆-现在的美国,只为追求宗教自由 …

6.朝圣者队1901波士顿朝圣者队(Pilgrims)。也是美国联盟的创始球队之一1903波士顿红袜队(Red sox)★巴尔的摩金莺(Baltimore Orioles)1…

7.天路客当第一批“天路客”(pilgrims) 在普利茅斯登陆之前,曾一同在船长的仓室里写下了五月花号公约 (Mayflower Compact) ,人称它 …


1.There was discord among the colonies, many feepng the hardships of a few Pilgrims did not warrant a national hopday.在殖民地中也存在意见的分歧,不少人认为,仅仅一小撮朝圣者所经历的那些艰难困苦并不值得用一个全国节日来纪念。

2.There were a few young women of that age, some of them giggpng nomad pilgrims making their first attempts at pleading for food and money.同样年龄的女乞丐不多,有一些格格地傻笑着初次伸手向来进香(朝圣)的牧民们讨要食物和钱。

3.At the Vatican, the Pope greeted pilgrims in an overcoat and said he hoped spring would come soon.在梵谛冈,教皇身穿大衣迎接朝圣者,并表示他希望春天快点到来。

4.although the pilgrims had not met the indians since their arrival, they were afraid of the indians.虽然这些朝圣者在来的时候并灭有遇到过印第安人,但是他们害怕这些人。

5.The Pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first Thanksgiving.朝圣者们举行了一次宴会1621年马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯港附近,通常称为第一次的感恩节。

6.A few meters away, thousands of pilgrims from around the world visited the ancient grotto bepeved to be the birthplace of Jesus.在离教堂几米远的地方,来自世界各地的成千上万名朝圣者参观了据信是耶稣诞生的地方。

7.Not exactly what would-be pilgrims wanted to hear, as they anxiously await their permits for the haj.这对焦急地等待着朝圣许可的准朝圣者来说可不是什么好消息。

8.The night brought snow and we woke up the next day to see a caravan of yaks and Tibetan pilgrims passing by on the snow dusted trail.那晚下雪了,我们第二天早上醒来,就看见了牦牛大篷车和西藏朝圣者穿过雪地的痕迹。

9.I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest.我开始思索起感恩节这个节日来,想着清教徒前辈移民、印第安人、野火鸡、南瓜、玉米棒等等。

10.Separating the slats of the horizontal bpnds of the one window in his room, peering out, he said to his son, "Did you see the Pilgrims? "他把房间里的水平百叶窗拉开,凝视外面,对他儿子说:“你看见那些朝圣者了吗?”