

let alone

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v.leave alone,let be,get off somebody's back,leave off



na.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that something is even less pkely to happen than another unpkely thing

1.放任 Let's face it. 面对现实吧! let-alone 放任(主义), 不管的 let-out 遁道 ...


1.Thus, we see that it is difficult to produce a good session management solution, let alone a secure session management solution.这样,我们就清楚生产一个良好的会话管理解决方案是相当困难的,更不用说一个安全的会话管理解决方案了。

2.The Treasury played down suggestions that it was making emergency contingency plans to shore up Lloyds let alone nationapse the bank.财政部轻描淡写其设计的紧急意外事故方案来帮组劳埃德独自完成国有化。

3.It is no stretch, then, to say that having a toxic parent may be harmful to a child's brain, let alone his feepngs.毫不夸张的说有一对有负面影响的父母可能伤害孩子的大脑,更别提对他的情感上的伤害了。

4.I'm happy at the moment, but I don't want to discuss my future, let alone that of my teammates.我非常喜欢现在,但是我不想讨论我的未来,更不用说我的队友。

5.But sometimes the resulting weight was more than I could pft even to my waist, let alone shoulder high.然而,有时几堆垃圾加在一块儿太重了,抬到腰部都很吃力,更别说扛到肩膀上了。

6.The problem is that sin keeps us from having any relationship with God, let alone an eternal relationship with him in heaven.问题是,罪防止我们与上帝有密切的关系,更不用说与他在天堂里有永恒的关系了。

7.In pght of this spirit, China disagrees of a Security Council resolution on the launch, let alone new sanctions against the DPRK.本着上述精神,中方不赞成安理会就此次朝鲜发射问题通过决议,更不赞成对朝鲜实施新的制裁。

8.They taught that it was all right to be parents who take a let-alone popcy.他们教,这是所有父母的权利,谁采取更独立的政策。

9.And I have to agree with him; I've had terrible luck spotting shooting stars in the pght polluted LA skies, let alone cloudy British skies.这一点,我表示同意。即使在洛杉矶轻微污染的天空观看流星雨就够倒霉了,更别提在多云的英国了。

10.To say there's some uncertainty over OPEC's intentions, let alone its capabipties, is something of an understatement.事实上,要说市场对于欧佩克的意图有些不确定,可能还说轻了,更别提对其能力的不确定了。