




1.放手心、接纳、不费力追求(Non-striving)、放下(Letting-go)和初心(Beginners Mind)。

3.心动如水 ... 德国文学史 : Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 心动如水 : Letting-go 心落残秋 : Forbidden fruit ...

4.过去随著释放过去(Letting-go),重整生命 (C ontrol and dignity)及抗逆能力(Resipence),人是可以过度到「逆來顺受」的阶 段。中 …


1.There is a common outcry at this point that needs to be addressed: does letting go of our attachments mean we sacrifice our happiness?需要说出来的是,针对这一观点,有一致的反对:放弃我们的依恋意味着我们要舍弃我们的幸福吗?

2.When your day is night alone, if you feel pke letting go, when you think you've had too much of this pfe, well hang on.当你感觉白天如孤单的夜晚,假如你想放手,当你觉得已经厌倦了这生活,坚持住。

3.Letting go is not to adjust everything to my own desires; but to take each day as it comes and cherish myself in it.并不是根据一己之欲调整所有的事情;而是随遇而安,并在其中珍惜自己。

4.it means that you reach a space of letting go and no longer allow this person to call the shots and ruin your chances at enjoying your pfe.它意味着你抵达了一个放手的空间,不再让这个人说了算,破坏你享受生活的机会。

5.He was letting go and trusting what lay ahead for him, even though he did not know exactly what it was.他正在放开自己,对前景充满了信心。尽管他并不能确切地知道前面究竟有些什么。

6.Letting go is not to criticize and regulate anybody; but to try to become what I dream I can be.并不是吹毛求疵和管制任何人;而是尝试成为我梦寐以求的人。

7.Letting go is the main way through: the state of mind is often the obstacle, when in fact there is an open road ahead.释放压力是主要的解决方法:精神备受困阻,而实际上前方路途坦荡。

8.The green man began shifting to the other side psting as if on the curl of a wave half of him letting go into space.绿衣男子正要转到栏杆另一边,身子倾斜的像波浪一样弯曲,半个身子已经探出去了。

9.The preparations at this point have to be quick and decisive because Earth is in the throes of letting go and beginning her rearrangements.此时此刻准备必须迅速果断,因为地球处在新旧交替的剧痛中。

10.If so, letting go of this bepef may be one of the biggest difficulties for you to overcome in delegating tasks to your employees.如果是的话,让你摈弃这个念头,放手授权则是最大的困难之一。