


美式发音: [ˈmeɪkən] 英式发音: [ˈmeikəu]



un.1.city in central Georgia. It is the seat of Bibb county.

1.梅肯 9)胡斯朗山坡( Cotes De Roussillon) Macon马冈) Macon-Superieur…

5.麦肯故事最中有趣的部分是主角麦肯(Macon)的职业: 旅游书作家。麦肯走遍观光胜地,巨细靡遗为每家餐厅旅馆打分数,深怕遗漏 …



8.马贡法国马贡(Macon)葡萄酒大赛 法国罗蒙城堡干红葡萄酒 109元/支 法国巴黎农业博览会葡萄酒大赛 法国图恰古堡干红干红葡萄酒 …


1.He just waits, stares. MACON (the words burst out of him) If I draw on you you'll kill me.(他脱口而出)如果我瞄准你,你会杀了我。

2.When a man in Macon, Ga. , came upon a wild dog attacking a young boy, he quickly grabbed the animal and throttled it with his two hands.一位男子在乔治亚州的麦根城遇到一条狗在袭击一个男孩。他敏捷地用两手卡住了狗的脖子并掐死了它。

3.CUT TO BUTCH AND SUNDANCE . BUTCH glances at MACON'S gun belt for a moment , then shakes his head .布奇和桑德斯。布奇看了一眼麦肯的手枪子弹带,然后摇了摇头。

4.CUT TO MACON standing there, his hands by his guns.麦肯站在那里,手放在枪上。

5.BUTCH, who starts to walk away across the street toward a barn of a building with a sign outside: 'Macon's Saloon.布奇,开始走开,穿过街道,走向一幢空荡荡的大楼,牌子上写着:“麦肯沙龙”。

6.As Dr. Roberts lay dying last week in a hospital in Macon, Ga. , suffering from pneumonia, Mr. Gates flew down to be at his bedside.上周在佐治亚州梅肯市的某家医院里,在罹患肺炎的罗伯茨博士弥留之际,盖茨先生坐飞机赶到他的病床前探望。

7.MACON, on his feet. He wears guns, and his big hands are near them, relaxed and ready.麦肯,站起来。他佩带了枪,大手离手枪很近,神情轻松而又有备。

8.MACON I didn't know who you were when I said you were cheating .麦肯:我刚才说你是个骗子,实在不知道你就是大名鼎鼎的桑德斯。

9.The 'We the People' petition project was proposed a couple of years ago by Macon Philpps, director of digital strategy at the White House.这项名为“我们即人民”(WethePeople)的请愿活动是几年前由白宫负责数字策略的菲利普斯(MaconPhilpps)提议发起的。

10.If you haven't heard of Guy Macon's Original Post before, you should check it out.如果你之前从未听过马扎小子的邮件,那么你真该好好的搜出来看看。