




1.第五级 小时 10℃- 30℃ 10%--60% RH 五级品( Level-5) 48 小时 ≦4 小时 10℃- 30℃ 10%--60% RH 五A 级品 ( Level-5a) 24 小时 ≦…


1.Magistrates must have been a legal practitioner of at least five years standing (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).裁判官要有5年以上作为法律从业者的经验(ANZSCO1级水平)。

2.Consequently, a sea level rise of up to 5 m is possible, and it would occur over a relatively short period.因此,海平面上升5m是有可能的,并在一个相对较短的时间内发生。

3.However at some stage - perhaps a five or 10 per cent increase in the price level - the fixed cost of that reprinting must be paid.然而,在某些阶段——价格水平可能上涨了5%或10%——就必须支付重新打印的固定成本。

4.In the default run level of 5, some of these won't run -- but it's very interesting to see what some of the options might be.在缺省的运行级别5中,有些是不会运行的——不过看一下选项都有哪些是很有趣的。

5.As it happened, the next day, May 12th, the dollar's broad trade-weighted index plunged to its lowest level since 1997.在这之后的第二天,5月12日美元的广义贸易加权指数跌到了自1997年以来的最低水平。

6.Severe acute malnutrition is at a yet more serious level and poses a particular risk for children below the age of five.而严重的急性营养不良则程度更深,尤其是对5岁以下的儿童造成风险。

7.It has four bedrooms and five and a half bathrooms including a main level master suite with a double en suite facipty.它拥有4个卧室以及5个半的卫生间,其中包括一个供两人使用的主浴室。

8.She bought 30, 000 PCCW shares at $5. 70, but said she did not expect them to return to that level for years.她以每股五元七角的价钱购入三万股电盈,但她说预期今年内都难以回本。

9.This was a whole new level: far from any settlements and often five days' walk from the nearest stretch of river navigable by boat.这是一个全新的地方:远离任何居民点,经常要从这条河最近的水域划船行驶5天。

10.The result predicted has no significant difference at 5% level compared with that by standard method.模型的预测结果与标准方法测定结果在5%显著性水平下无显著性差异。