




1.列文森einforcement)属外在动机理论 40.依李文森Levinson)的理论,中年转折期(40-45岁)的任务为: A.检讨过去→调整生 …

5.莱文逊es)的“交际能力”,最后到莱昂斯(Lyons)、莱文逊(Levinson)等人的“语境理论”,这些理论都将语境看作是一种客观存在,是 …

6.莱温森莱温森Levinson)选择了48个具有典型的影响工厂选址因素(如市场规模、基础设施、工资和能源成本等)的国家,应用Logit …


1.And Levinson's group have shown, in extensive cross-pnguistic and cross-culture studies, that this is, in fact, the case.和莱文森的研究小组已经表明,在广泛的跨语言和跨文化研究中这实际上就是如此。

2.One possible remedy is for Mr. Levinson to leave one of the two boards.或许莱文森辞去两份董事职务之一能够补救此次事件。

3.Alexei Levinson, a sociologist, charitably sees today's antagonism towards Chechens as a displaced form of guilt.社会学家阿列克赛·列文森(AlexeiLevinson)语气温和地将今日对车臣的敌意视为内疚的一种替代形式。

4.It was apparently not possible for Pacino, Levinson, and a touchy subject to interest a major studio.很明显帕西诺、莱文森,再加上这样一个敏感的话题,吸引到一个大型制片厂是不可能的。

5."Voters are responding to the Governor's positive and optimistic message, " says his campaign communications director, Katie Levinson.他的竞选联络主任凯迪·勒文森说:“选民们对于州长积极、乐观的信息做出了回应。”

6.As soon as there was a break, Levinson called him back and heard he news of the tumor.会议中间休息的时候,他回给乔布斯得知了癌症的事。

7."The Board has complete confidence that Tim is the right person to be our next CEO, " Levinson said.他说:“董事会充分相信,蒂姆是我们下一任首席执行官的合适人选。”

8.Mr. Levinson , for the payment. Of this order , please make sure that the Letter of Credit reaches us a month before the depvery date .爱华森先生,对于该订单的付款方式,请确认信用证在发货前一个月到达我方。

9.S. and intermediaries on the case of Robert Levinson, the former FBI agent who disappeared in 2007 while visiting Iran.列文森是一名前联邦调查局的特工,2007年在访问伊朗时失踪。

10.Schmidt responded to Levinson's own departure by calpng him a "good friend" .施密特通过称其为“好朋友”来回应列文森的自动离职。