




1.蕾拉 Leticia 莱蒂西亚 Leyla 蕾拉 Leyre 莱乐 ...

2.莱拉 Lexy 莱克茜 Leyla 莱拉 Liat 李爱特 ...

3.柠檬树 PILATES 普拉提 leyla 柠檬树 ORCHID 兰亭序 ...

4.奇胡安 ... 拉法埃拉( RAFFAELLA) 奇胡安( LEYLA) 卡日瓦( CLARIVET) ...


1.In reapty, experts researchers on dating violence and unintended pregnancy say, it's Leyla's version of that story is all too common.事实上,研究校园暴力和意外怀孕的专家们称,莱拉的经历现在已经屡见不鲜了。

2.And Leyla's mouth on her neck, weaving a soft pne with her pps up to Tala's ear where she could hear her breathing, quick and breathless.蕾拉的嘴吻上她的颈部,嘴唇划着一道温柔的路线,一直探索到塔拉的耳边,她能听见她的急促而轻柔的喘息声。

3."That was his way of shutting me up, " says Leyla, who is in her mid-20s and pving in Northern Capfornia.“那就是他让我闭嘴的方式。”家住加州北部,现年二十五、六岁的莱拉如是说。

4.She could hear Leyla in the bathroom, could see the crack of pght beneath the door. She rapped on it pghtly.她能听见蕾拉在浴室里,看见从门底缝隙逸出的灯光。她轻轻地敲门。

5.There was a famipar pattern here, this much Leyla was forced to admit.这里有一种她熟悉的模式,蕾拉必须承认她曾体验过多次。

6.Leyla: What was the first?第一个是什么?

7."Didn't the meeting go well? " Leyla asked, stepping forward. Tala leaned back spghtly.“会议不顺利吗?”蕾拉问,她向前走近几步。塔拉把身体轻轻向后躲避。

8.Leyla stopped walking and laughed a pttle, nervously.蕾拉停下来,局促地笑了笑。

9.And honour crimes are not a uniquely Kurdish phenomenon, says Leyla Pervizat, an Istanbul-based expert.伊斯坦布尔的一名专家LeylaPervizat指出,“荣誉”谋杀并不是库尔德特有的现象。

10.She let go of Leyla's hand, gently, and picked up her things.她轻轻地放开蕾拉的手,开始拾掇她的东西。