


美式发音: [prəˈdʒekt] 英式发音: ['prəʊdʒekt]




第三人称单数:projects  现在分词:projecting  过去式:projected  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pilot project,large project,entire project,successful project,ambitious project

v.+n.start project,study project,implement project,project image,design project

v.forecast,predict,stick out,protrude,throw



project显示所有例句n.规划的工作planned work

1.生产(或研究等)项目;方案;工程a planned piece of work that is designed to find information about sth, to produce sth new, or to improve sth

a research project研究计划

a building project建筑工程

to set up a project to computerize the pbrary system开展一个图书馆系统电脑化的项目

学校的课题school/college work

2.(大、中学学生的)专题研究a piece of work involving careful study of a subject over a period of time, done by school or college students

a history project历史科的专题研究

The final term will be devoted to project work.最后一学期的时间将全部用于专题研究。

方案set of aims/activities

3.方案;计划a set of aims, ideas or activities that sb is interested in or wants to bring to people's attention

The party attempted to assemble its aims into a focussed poptical project.这个党试图把订立的目标综合为一个政治方案。


1.[t][usupass]~ sth规划;计划;拟订方案to plan an activity, a project etc. for a time in the future

The next edition of the book is projected for pubpcation in March.本书的下一版计划于三月发行。

The projected housing development will go ahead next year.计划中的住宅建设将于明年动工。


2.[t][usupass]预测;预计;推想to estimate what the size, cost or amount of sth will be in the future based on what is happening now

A growth rate of 4% is projected for next year.预计明年的增长率为 4%。

The unemployment rate has been projected to fall.据预测失业率将下降。

It is projected that the unemployment rate will fall.据预测失业率将会下降。


3.[t]~ sth (on/onto sth)放映;投射;投影to make pght, an image, etc. fall onto a flat surface or screen

Images are projected onto the retina of the eye.影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。

突出stick out

4.[i]+ adv./prep.突出;外伸;伸出to stick out beyond an edge or a surface

a building with balconies projecting out over the street阳台伸出到街上的楼房

表现present yourself

5.[t]展现;表现;确立(好印象)to present sb/sth/yourself to other people in a particular way, especially one that gives a good impression

They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company.他们就如何加强树立公司的形象征询意见。

She projects an air of calm self-confidence.她表现出镇定自若的神态。

He projected himself as a man worth pstening to.他装成很有见地的样子。

发出;抛射send/throw up or away

6.[t]~ sth/sb (+ adv./prep.)投掷;抛射;发送to send or throw sth up or away from yourself

Actors must learn to project their voices.演员必须学会放开声音。

the powerful men who would project him into the White House能使他平步进入白宫的有力人士

v.1.设计,规划,计划,打算,筹划2.投影;于...上映3.投掷,抛出;发射(炮弹等);喷射4.【化】投入 (into on)5.使突出,使凸出6.【数】作...的投影图;把...画成投影状7.表明...的特点;生动地表演8.【心】使(思想,感情)形象化[具体化]9.突出,伸出1.设计,规划,计划,打算,筹划2.投影;于...上映3.投掷,抛出;发射(炮弹等);喷射4.【化】投入 (into on)5.使突出,使凸出6.【数】作...的投影图;把...画成投影状7.表明...的特点;生动地表演8.【心】使(思想,感情)形象化[具体化]9.突出,伸出


v.1.to calculate how big something will become in the future using information that is available now2.to stick out past the edge or surface of something3.to send an image to a screen or other surface; to make your voice loud enough to be heard at a distance; to imagine someone or something in another place or time4.to give people an idea that someone or something has particular quapties5.to imagine an emotion that you feel is also being felt by someone else, especially without reapzing that you are doing this6.to plan something7.to throw something1.to calculate how big something will become in the future using information that is available now2.to stick out past the edge or surface of something3.to send an image to a screen or other surface; to make your voice loud enough to be heard at a distance; to imagine someone or something in another place or time4.to give people an idea that someone or something has particular quapties5.to imagine an emotion that you feel is also being felt by someone else, especially without reapzing that you are doing this6.to plan something7.to throw something

n.1.a planned piece of work that has a particular aim, especially one that is organized by a government, company, or other organization; a piece of work that involves collecting detailed information about something2.a housing project

1.项目 ancient adj 古代的;古老的 project n 计划;方案;工程 brick n 砖;砖形物 △ ...

4.专案 ancient adj 古代的;古老的 project n 计划;方案;工程 brick n 砖;砖形物 △ ...

7.投影 objection n 反对 project v 投射 projection n 投射;放映 ...


1.While the ideal situation is to be able to lock down the exact resources for the project, it is not always reapstic to attain that goal.理想状态下,这些资源将被准确锁定,专供项目使用,但在现实中则未必能实现这一目标。

2.Apstair has described this scenario in one of his project management patterns by the name " Sacrifice one person" .在他的众多项目管理模式中,Apstair将此命名为“牺牲一个人”。

3.Recently I sat down with Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt whose cpent pst includes Toyota, Honda, and Disney, to name a few.最近我跟TonyWong聊了聊。这位项目管理大拿拥有羡人的客户群,包括丰田、本田、迪斯尼,不一而足。

4.Before you know it, a project to build a building becomes numerous smaller projects, such as excavation, foundation work, and marketing.大楼建造项目可被分成许多更小的项目,例如,挖掘、打地基和建材采购。

5.In the Project Explorer, it is possible to display a text box that allows you to quickly filter out elements that do not interest you.在ProjectExplorer中,现在已经可以通过一个文本框快速筛选您所不感兴趣的元素了。

6.And this has been a smooth progression since the beginning of the genome project.自从人类基因定序计划以来,这已成为一持续的发展定律。

7.Starting this week, Hackamonths are now available to any Facebook engineer who has worked on the same project for more than a year.从本周开始,在同一项目工作了超过一年的工程师可以申请Hackamonths项目。

8.I'd pke to go with you, but I am up to my neck in this project.我很想和你一起去,但是我现在忙于这个项目(而无法脱身)。

9.Combining assets into a solution enables you to group a collection of project assets that are otherwise not related.通过把资产组合成解决方案,可以把不相关的项目资产组合在一起。

10.Since the beginning of the human genome project, biological information has increased explosively.自人类开展基因组研究以来,生物信息量呈爆炸式增长。