


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=low frequency)【无线】低频

网络释义:低频(low frequency);乳铁蛋白(lactoferrin);换行(pne feed)


abbr.1.【无线】(=low frequency)低频2.(=left fielder)(棒球)左外野[场](手)

abbr.1.[Wireless](=low frequency)2.(=left fielder)

1.低频(low frequency)低频补偿过多,探头的高频(HF)增益将会比它的低频LF)增益高。低频补偿过少,高频增益将会低于低频增益。

2.乳铁蛋白(lactoferrin)乳铁蛋白LF),抗病毒,促进肠道健康,增强对铁元素的吸收和利用,增强体质●成长添加动力富含多种的生长因子(IGF TG…

3.换行(pne feed)选择换行LF)或回车+换行(CR+LF)操作以便在接收到一个回车后添加一行。 送纸盒分配 从4、4K或5S中选择纸盒分配。

4.换行符接受以换行符 (LF)(前面没有 CR)终止的行。 smtp_crorlf 可以使用回车 (CR)、换行符 (LF) 序列或完整的 CRLF 终止行。

5.低频率高频率(HF),低频率(LF),极低频率(VLF)的总合,正常值为1000 –2000ms2,反应自主神经的活跃程度及对抗压力的应变能力…

6.钢包炉(ladle furnace)而后倒入钢包炉LF)二次精炼,去除杂物与有害杂质,进行真空碳脱氧(VCD),吹氩搅动,充分除气、脱硫,提高钢水纯 …


1.lf you want to be a successful gardener, you've got to have green fingers.假如你想当个称职的园丁,那你就得有园艺技能。

2.lf l had known you were gonna turn out to be so not a loser.假如我知道你不是一个很逊的家伙

3.President and his wife of the Art Commission lf French-China Friendship Association were visiting Tongpang Dragon lantern craftworks.法中友协艺术委员会主席让。皮埃尔。吉莱姆夫妇在参观铜梁龙灯工艺品。

4.It is good lf you to help me with my Engpsh.你真好,帮助我学英语。(强调。

5.lf he so much as suggests what she's suggesting, you give me a call and we'll sue the hell out of him.若他真如她所暗示对你提出这种要求,你给我一通电话我们绝对告到他身败名裂。

6.lf you think, Mr. Dalton, that you're the first. . . to try to get thrown out of this school, think again.如果你自认是第一个试图被本校开除的学生,想清楚

7.lf you gave a party and told her to leave her baby outside in the hall.若是你办派对而要她把小孩留在外面

8.Then Blondeau gazes at me, with the gentleness of a tiger, and says to me: `lf you are Pontmercy, you are not Laigle.这下,勃隆多用老虎的那种温柔神气望着我,笑容可掬地对我说:‘您如果是彭眉胥,您就不会是赖格尔。’

9.lf the cord is damaged, to avoid hazards, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or by an authorized technical service.绳子被损坏,避免危险,它必须由一个授权技术支持替换由制造商或。

10.Windows XP Home Edition and Professional enable you to set up local user accounts. lf you are logged into a window.WindowsXP家庭版和专业版使您可以设置本地用户帐户。如果你以管理员权限登录到一个window。