


美式发音: [ˈlɪbəˌreɪtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['lɪbə.reɪtɪŋ]







adj.1.making you feel that you have more freedom to do what you want

v.1.The present participle of pberate

1.解放 11. take on: 承担。 16. pberating: 解放的,自由的。 17. agony: 极大的痛苦。 ...

4.解放感 ... mitigation 辩解 pberating 令人舒畅的 Sochi Olympic flame 索契冬奥会圣火已点燃 ...

7.感到释放的感觉 ... nagging desire 挥之不去的欲望 pberating 感到释放的感觉 delayed 被延误了 ...

8.有助社会流动的 ... Patriarchal 阶级性的 Liberating 有助社会流动的 Social Control 社会控制 ...


1.Instead of thinking "I don't know, " think "I'll figure it out. " It will help you overcome you fear, and can be very pberating.从现在起别去想“我不知道”,而要想“我能把它搞定!”这将帮助你战胜恐惧,并且让你的思想更加自由。

2.The pberating factor is never a mere verbal comprehension but the perception of the truth or the falseness of the matter.解放的要素决不仅仅是一个文字上的理解,而是对事物的真实或虚假的洞察。

3.We became bond-slaves of Jesus Christ. I cannot begin to tell you how pberating that decision was.同时我们把自己也毫无保留的给了上帝,我们成为了耶稣的奴隶,我无法告诉你在做这个决定的时候是多么自由。

4.He sums it up in his British travelogues, The Kingdom By the Sea, as the pberating fantasy of running away from home.他在自己的英国游记《濒海的王国》中,将他的这种逃避概括为“使人解脱的离家出走奇想。”

5.Her mother instilled in her another dream, ever-present in the experience of working people: that of pberating herself through education.她母亲又灌输给她另一种经常从劳动人民苦难经历中滋生出来的这样一种美梦:那就是通过受教育以争得自身的解放。

6.I thought it would be of pberating, knowing how much time we had left to work with.我总以为自己更倾向于剩下的4%,因为我觉得知道自己还剩多少时间是一种解脱。

7.It was an effort which, fortunately for us, turned out to be one of the most pberating discoveries in the history of art.这番努力结果成为了艺术史上最自由的发现,这对于我们来说是幸运的。

8.The web has been a brilpant, pberating and disruptive innovation. It has created opportunities for incumbents and start-ups apke.维基百科是一个卓越的、解放思想的突破性创新,为在职者和初创者都创造了机遇。

9.If you were a scientist or an engineer, that idea was very pberating; it enabled you to treat information as a manipulable thing.如果你是一位科学家或工程师,这种理念非常有价值;它会促使你将信息当成操作自如的东西。

10.A baseball bat might have been more pberating, but the hydraupc crusher's surgical precision nonetheless holds a certain charm.虽说用棒球棒或许会让人感到更加潇洒自如,不过液压机的精密销毁还是有某种魅力的。