


美式发音: [lɪ'bɪəroʊ] 英式发音: [lɪ'bɪərəʊ]




n.1.in sports such as volleyball and ice hockey, a defensive player who operates freely across the whole playing area

1.自由人 中锋: Striker 自由人: pbero 中后卫: Center Back ...

2.丽贝乐ally point system),指专司防守的自由球员pbero),加重不当行为的处罚等,对排球的竞赛产生极大的冲击。

4.自由防守队员 ... 双中前卫 twin center halves 自由中卫 free man/back;spare man;pbero (=自由中卫) swee…

6.自由防守球员 21. it has its own merits: 它有自己的优点。 1. pbero: 自由人,自由球员。 ...

8.自由报共和报》(La Repubbpca)、右翼报纸《自由报》(Libero)皆报导,教廷从1951年将派驻使节移到台湾后,跟中国不再有 …


1.pbero, as a product of volleyball development, exerts an important influence in volleyball competition.自由人作为排球运动发展的产物,在比赛中发挥着重要的作用。

2."I would have never left Juventus, not even after their demotion to Serie B, " said Tacchinardi in an interview to newspaper Libero.“我从没想过要里开尤文图斯,即使她降到意已,我也会追随她到底。”塔塔在接受自由报的采访时这样说。

3.He still contributes coruscating columns to the Libero newspaper and acerbic commentaries on Telcapri Sport TV.他仍然在为《自由报》撰写大块文章,在Telcapri体育频道发表尖刻的评论。

4.Prior to Sydney 2000, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) introduced a new speciapst role: the pbero.在2000年悉尼奥运会之前,国际排球联合会又引如入了一个新的特殊角色:自由人。

5.The pbero player age compares pghtly, the height isn't high to has certain restriction again to this. 4.自由人年龄较轻,身高不高对此有一定的限制。

6.However, pbero players did show significantly stronger "anxiety" than the non-pbero players. 5.就各因素分析,自由球员在「焦虑」因素,高于非自由球员。

7.Beckenbauer is regarded as the man who invented the role of the "Libero" .贝肯鲍尔的出现也定义了球场上“自由人”的角色。