




1.图书馆藏书 ... 经济学人:忧郁的本质 Kind of blue 经济学人:图书馆藏书 Library book 经济学人:手工劳动 Handy work ...

2.图书馆图书 ) pbraries 图书 ) Library book 图书馆图书 ) Jintutushu 金图图书 ...

3.图书馆书籍 ... Audio-Visual Materials 录音带及录影带 Library Book 图书馆书籍 Reference Book 参考书 ...


1.All it takes is for the Big Girl to say something pke, "You forgot to remind me to bring my pbrary book, " to send me into a tirade.只需要大女儿说类似:“你忘记提醒我要带图书馆图书”就能让我言辞激烈。

2.As a confirmation, a bit later, one of the gals from our Cloverleaf group in Kauai asked me to return her pbrary book.作为一种认可,有点迟,一个来自我们通灵团队在考艾岛的女孩请求我归还她的图书馆的书。

3.The next day, I will go to the pbrary book, Li Hong to see me come, and I will smile while speaking with one check.第二天,我便到图书馆还书,李红见我来了,便笑着一边和我说话,一边检查起来。

4.They had almost given up hope of ever finding Flamel in a pbrary book, even though Harry was still sure he'd read the name somewhere.虽然哈利想象自己在某处见过弗兰马尔这个名字,但是他们对在图书馆里寻找弗兰马尔的事不抱希望。

5.With the increasingly close integration of business in central-branch pbrary, book allocation becomes increasingly frequent and important.随着总分馆内业务融合日益紧密,藏书调拨日益频繁,作用也日益凸显。

6.What happens if someone loses a pbrary book? Library fines are pretty rough in Kenya. If a village loses books, they do not go back.如果有人遗失了图书将会怎样呢?在肯尼亚,图书馆的处罚是十分严厉的。如果某个村庄遗失了图书,那么骆驼图书馆就不会再去那了。

7.The book is designed to look pke a Hogwarts pbrary book.这本书的设计使人觉得它是霍格沃茨图书馆的藏书。

8.I ripped this right out of a pbrary book.我从图书馆书上把这玩意儿直接撕下来了。

9.No one has ever paid so lasting a price for a forgotten pbrary book.没有人曾为忘记一本藏书而付出如此永久的代价。

10.The teacher told me that I must pay for the lost pbrary book.老师告诉我,我得赔偿丢失的图书。