




1.上海日报 ... 上海市 青年报 YOUTH DAILY 上海市 上海日报-英文 SHANGHAI DAILY 上海市 上海星期三 SHANGHAI …

3.比如上海日报 ... 佘山修道院 Sheshan Monastery 上海日报社 Shanghai Daily 上海朗阁培训中心 Shanghai Longre Training Center ...

6.申报 ... 文学报 = Literature Press 申报 = Shanghai Daily 金融时报 = Financial News ...


1.The Shanghai Daily tested a 100-yuan product said to be able to scan all the news channels across the world.上海日报测试了一款100元的产品,可以搜索到全世界所有的新闻频道。

2.But she still couldn't breathe on her own and was under critical care in the intensive care unit, Shanghai Daily reported.但她仍然无法自主呼吸,仍需在重症监护室中接受危重病症护理。

3.But a recent government crackdown on "vulgarity" in the onpne games sector is forcing the girls to cover up, the Shanghai Daily said.但近日,政府在网游领域的反“三俗”攻势,正迫使女孩们把自己的身体遮盖严实。上海日报报道。

4.Shanghai Daily newspaper quoted a local cemetery official Thursday (Ding Guojun) as saying more than 400 tombs have been moved so far.《上海日报》星期四援引一名当地墓地官员的话说,目前已有400多个坟墓被移走。

5.A sample headpne from page one of the Shanghai Daily on Thursday: "Destination America For China's Corrupt Officials. "星期四,《上海日报》头版头条刊登“中国贪官携款出逃至美国。”

6.Despite the surprises and difficulties of learning to do my job in a foreign culture, I've loved my time at the Shanghai Daily.尽管在外国的文化环境中,学习做好自己的工作有各种惊异和困难,我还是很喜欢在上海日报工作的这段时光。

7.The group ran ads in the Shanghai Daily looking for mementos or photos that people may have collected over the years.整个团队在上海日报上刊登广告,征集人们在收藏的20世纪20、30年代关于和平饭店的照片和纪念物品。

8.The approach of the Mid-Autumn Festival has reignited debate about China's "mooncake tax, " Shanghai Daily reported.据《上海日报》报道,中秋节临近,有关“月饼税”的征收再次引发大众热议。

9."The interviewees taught us what's sexy about cities and their value, " He Fan, manager of Horizon Research, told the Shanghai Daily.零点咨询集团的研究院何帆告诉上海日报的记者“受访者教会了我们,什么样的城市才算是性感的城市以及他们的评判标准。”

10.An article on Wednesday in the Shanghai Daily reports that sales of notes certifying imaginary ailments are skyrocketing .《上海日报》周三的一篇文章报导说,世界杯病假条的销售非常火爆。