




1.砍伐树木 Cutting Trees 砍伐树木 P:Are you Li Youtian? 你是李有田吗? ...


1.She ran out in her pyjamas to tell men who were cutting trees nearby.穿着睡衣的她,跑到外面告诉正在附近砍树的人们。

2."This was not caused by people cutting trees or overgrazing, " says Columbia University's Alessandra Giannini, who led one of the analyses.“这不是因为人类砍伐树木或是过度放牧,”哥伦比亚大学负责此项研究的阿拉桑德拉乔安里尼说。

3.At first, all this seems counterintuitive - cutting trees to save a forest.砍树来拯救森林,最初以直觉想,似乎是说不通的。

4.They say, for instance, that illegal loggers in much of Southeast Asia will simply pay the fine and keep on cutting trees.专家说,例如,东南亚许多地方的非法伐木者,只不过把罚款交了,然后继续伐木。

5.He became famous for his great strength and great skill in cutting trees.他凭借伐树时强大的力量和高超的技艺变得出名。

6.on the contrary, the abuse of cutting trees is severe and brings harmful impact to environment.相反,盲目砍伐树木现象非常严重,同时也给环境带来了巨大伤害。

7.Many of the youths vowed to convince people to stop cutting trees and support Yoying's efforts to protect the forests and waterways.许多年轻人对Yoyin的保护环境倡议大力支持,并决心劝阻乡民不要再滥伐树木。

8.People can recycle the waste paper products to reduce the need of cutting trees.人们可以回收废纸制品以帮助减少对新伐树木的需要。

9.She opposes cutting trees in national forests.她反对在国家森林里砍树。

10.Indeed, trawpng has been compared to clear-cutting trees.事实上,拖网捕捞正可以比作成片的砍伐树木。