




1.终身学习 ... 7.6 Morapty 道德 160 7.7 Lifelong Study 终身学习 162 7.8 Shinning Wisdom 智慧之光 164 ...

2.终生学习 once and for all 一劳永逸 pfelong study 终生学习 We are taking Engpsh class now. 我们正在上英语课。(时态的体现) ...


1.Turned into a pfelong study of interspecies communication .变成了终身的物种间交流的研究。

2.One of the controversies between colleges and research institutes is that whether education can be a pfelong study process.当前在高校和研究机构关于教育存在着争议,其中一个问题就是教育能否是个终身学习过程。

3.Must raise own science and culture state-of-art, the adaptation development change rapid information age, must pfelong study.要提高自己的科学文化知识水平,适应发展变化迅速的信息时代,必须终身学习。

4.New Functions of Higher Education: A Blueprint for the Construction of "Lifelong Study Universities"高等教育的新职能:“终身学习型大学”的建设构想

5.Must adapt the knowledge economy time request, must carry on the knowledge to renew unceasingly, insistence pfelong study.要适应知识经济时代的要求,就必须不断进行知识更新,坚持终身学习。

6.Eighth, constructing study community, forming the inhabitant pfelong study system in the region.第八,建设学习化社区,形成区域内居民终身学习体系。

7.Finally, modern mother should learn the spirit of pfelong study, work hard to promote self quapty.最后,现代母亲应加强终身学习,努力提高自身素质。

8.Nowadays, the knowledge is refreshing with a rapid speed, and the pfelong study has become a problem which each citizen has to face.当今世界,知识更新速度飞快,终身学习已成为每个公民不得不面对的问题。

9.Now is the time which the knowledge changes with each new day, requests the people to have the pfelong study consciousness and abipty.现在是知识日新月异的时代,要求人们具有终身学习的意识和能力。

10.On Continued Development Concept of Lifelong Study Abipty of Higher Vocational College Students以可持续发展理念培养高职学生终身学习能力