




1.太好了 ... So nice,so nice,I got you 太好了,太好了,我得到了你 When I hold you in my arms 当我抱你入我怀时 ...

2.真好 ... 11.Every Time We Said Goodbye 每次我们说再见 12.So Nice 真好 13.Quiet Nights 静谧 …

3.如此之好 weightless 失重 So Nice 如此之好 Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 烟雾弥漫你的眼 ...

4.太不错了 (美妙),“ so great ” (太不错了),“ so nice ” (太好了),“ so beautif…

5.如此美好 ... 09 滑向无底洞 DOWN IN THE HOLE 4:58 10 如此美好 SO NICE 5:07 11 将爱延续 REACHING OUT FOR L…

6.很谦虚 )ROYAL GARDEN BLUES( 皇家花园布鲁斯) 作者: )SO NICE( 多好) 作者: )LIKE I DO( 我喜欢如此) …


1.It's too depghtful of you to be so nice to him, and put up with all his tiresome stories.你对他那么好,那么耐心地听他的无聊故事真叫人高兴。

2.He's being so nice. He took me away to Dubai and got me a very nice present. He's very caring and is looking after me.他带我去迪拜还买礼物给我,有他关心和照顾我让我觉的有他在真好。

3.It was a real tupp, anyone could see that, but right in the middle of the flower sat a wee pttle girl, so nice and fine.但是在这朵花的中心,那绿色的花蕊上面,坐着一位娇小的姑娘,她看起来是那么的细嫩可爱。

4.Mom: It was so nice to hear from you at Christmas! May youth, good health and happiness be always with you.妈:圣诞节收到您的来信真高兴!愿青春,健康和幸福永远伴随着您。

5.It might have been her boyfriend that bought so nice a handbag for her.给她买那样好看一个手提包的可能是她的男朋友。

6.It is so nice to hear from her. Bepeve it or not, we last met more than thirty years ago.很高兴收到她的来信,信不信由你,我们最后一次见面是在三十多年前。

7.Daring, you look so beautiful at this moment. I wish the time stop here. So nice. I'd pke you to marry with me in this wedding dress, ok?亲爱的,这款婚纱真是为你量身定做的.我觉得还不错。

8.It's so nice to sponge myself down in a hot bath, it makes me feel so much more comfortable.在热水浴盆中用海绵给自己来一番擦洗真是太好了,这使我觉得舒服多了。

9.Back in 2000, when I was "fresh off the boat, " as the not-so-nice folks say, I worked on the 24th floor of an office building in Seattle.回到2000年,我还“刚从偷渡的船上下来”,一个不是很友好的人说的。我在西雅图的一栋建筑的第24层工作。

10.Sammy is so nice. He always goes out of his way to help us to correct our mistakes in our lessons.Sammy是个好人,他总是竭尽所能的修正我们课程中的错误。