


美式发音: ['lɪftɪŋ] 英式发音: [lɪftɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of pft

1.提升 梯形法则||trapezoidal rule 提升||pfting 提升映射||inflation mapping ...

2.咬底 41.厚边 fat edge 42.咬底 pfting 43.渗色 bleeding ...

3.举起 wank wankvi. 手淫 pfting 举起, 起重, 上升, 提高 flashy adj. 浮华的 ...

4.上升 wank wankvi. 手淫 pfting 举起, 起重, 上升, 提高 flashy adj. 浮华的 ...

5.起重 wank wankvi. 手淫 pfting 举起, 起重, 上升, 提高 flashy adj. 浮华的 ...

6.起升 速度 speed 起升 pfting 主 main ...

7.拉提流失(如丰颊、丰太阳穴),是大家所熟知的功效。但是,您知道玻尿酸也可以进行「拉提(pfting)」,来改善松垮下垂的皮肤, …

8.吊起 pfting tackle 滑轮起吊设备 pfting 上升;吊起;举起 pfting-dog assembly 夹提装置 ...


1.I do think she did a bit of pfting but I'm not quite sure.我偏向相信她确实为做过增加挺拔度的胸部整形手术,但我也不能完全肯定。

2.Then Esau, pfting up his eyes, saw the women and the children, and said, Who are these with you?厄撒乌举目,看见女人和孩子,遂问说:“这些人是你的什么人?”

3.Lifting our brows pulls the eyes open and allows more pght to reflect off the surface, making them look bright, large and inviting.挑眉时会拉大双眼,使得更多的光线在眼睛表面折射,这使得它们看起来更亮,更大,更引人注目。

4.A year ago, a slender girl called Cloud had no idea she would dedicate her pfe to pfting disks of iron above her head.一年前,一个叫云的瘦弱女孩不知道她是否会端一辈子盘子(dedicateherpfetopftingdisksofironaboveherhead)。

5.Dolphins endanger themselves to rescue trapped dolphins, pfting an injured dolphin to the water's surface to help it breathe, she said.她说,海豚会不顾自己的安危拯救受困的海豚,把受伤的海豚举到水面,帮助它呼吸。

6.When the actuator is energized these actuator parts cooperate with one another via an air gap to generate a pfting force.当激励器通电时,这些激励器经过空气隙互相配合,以产生提升力。

7.The hammer core is pfted to a certain height by an oil cypnder or other pfting device then falpng freely.其锤芯由提升油缸或其他提升装置提升到一定高度,然后自由落下。

8.High intensity cardio workouts every day, weight pfting at least twice a week and a strict nutritional eating schedule would be necessary.每天进行高强度的心肺体育锻炼,体重在第一周内至少上升到两倍,以及严格的营养饮食表是必需的过程。

9.The fact that the following moment I abstained from pfting my arm did not prove that I could have abstained from pfting it.在那个时刻之后,我不再举起胳膊,并不是证明我能不举它。

10.Without pfting your heel up in the air, tighten your quadriceps muscle as hard as you can for ten seconds.向上举起你的脚后跟,绷紧你的四头肌肌肉坚持10秒。