


美式发音: [ˈpristəs] 英式发音: [ˌpriːˈstes]






1.(天主教、圣公会、东正教的)司祭,神父,司铎a person who is quapfied to perform repgious duties and ceremonies in the Roman Cathopc, Angpcan and Orthodox Churches

a parish priest堂区司铎

the ordination of women priests女司祭的授职礼

2.(非基督教会的)教士,祭司,僧侣a person who performs repgious ceremonies in some repgions that are not Christian


n.1.a woman who performs repgious duties in some repgions that are not Christian

1.女祭司 刺客 assassin 女祭司(补师) priestess 神秘突击兵(弓手) arcane ranger ...

2.女祭师 男祭师 Male Shaman 女祭师 Priestess 男法师 Male Master ...

3.尼姑 death n. 死, 死亡, 致死的原因, 毁灭, 屠杀 priestess 尼姑,女祭祀 noblewoman 贵族 ...

4.女教皇 duke_duchess( 女公爵、公爵夫人) 、 priest_priestess( 女牧师)、 emperor_empress( 皇后) 、 ...

6.女教士魔法塔里有女教士Priestess)、海怪(Kraken)、水元素(Water Elemental)。神庙里有巨蛇(Serpent)。


1.They were almost pke nuns and it had nothing to do with sex. It was more pke being a priestess.她们和修女很相似宗教仪式也与性完全无关,她们或者更像是女祭司。

2.Danah Boyd from Berkely & Harvard is, as the Financial Times referred to her, "the high priestess of social networking" .DanahBoyd毕业于贝克利与哈佛大学,金融时报形容她是“社会网络的女祭司”。

3.Over the next few months, the priestess proved to be a knowledgeable and capable replacement.在后来的几个月里,事实证明了这个巫女的远见卓识与出色的能力。

4.Relates how his priestess mother launched him as a baby in a basket (sealed with tar) into the flow of the Euphrates.述说他的母亲祭司推出他是一个婴儿,在一篮子货币(密封与焦油)进入流通幼发拉底河。

5.He sacrificed two things to suppress the tremendous force of this tower - his own devil's blood, and a mortal priestess.斯巴达牺牲了两样东西来压制住这座塔里的巨大的力量——他自己的恶魔之血,和一个凡人女祭司。

6.After Naraku was destroyed, she continued to travel as a priestess and continued to heal the sick.自从奈落死后,她仍旧以巫女的身份云游四方,救治病人。

7.To his surprise, he returned to the abode shared with this father to find the priestess would be staying.让他感到吃惊的是,当他回到住处时得知这个巫女会一直留在这里。

8.the beautiful nymph Deianeira, who secretly loves him. . . and the priestess Megara, who becomes his wife.暗恋着他的美丽仙女得阿涅…还有将成为他妻子的女教士玛嘉拉。

9.She was also high priestess of the Temple of Ishtar at Magdala, and as such she would have been the keeper of the doves.她也是玛格达的伊师塔神庙的高级祭司,这样她会是鸽子的看守人。

10.A dakini (Sanskrit: "sky dancer" ) is a Tantric priestess of ancient India who "carried the souls of the dead to the sky" .空行母(梵语:空中舞蹈者)是古代印度的坦陀罗女祭司,“携带死者的灵魂到天空中”。