


美式发音: ['lɪftˌɒf] 英式发音: ['lɪftˌɒf]






n.1.the time when a rocket or spacecraft leaves the launch pad2.the initial thrust that sends a rocket or spacecraft upward from the launch pad into the atmosphere

1.发射升空 发射升空 blast off 发射升空 pftoff;blastoff;take off 发射台 launch pad ...

2.起飞 draconian 严峻的 pftoff 起飞,点火 floating-point 浮点 ...

3.电路板焊接界面剥-Bi 镀层容易发生裂纹,而且组 装后的器件引线和电路板焊接界面剥 (Liftoff)更麻烦的是电解液中的 Bi3+离子在 Sn-Bi , 合金阳 …

4.上飘 Four,three,two,one,pftoff 四,三,二,一,时间结束 You've really made the grade 你已被评 …


1.Discovery, which is slated for pftoff at 4: 50 p. m. EST Thursday, is due to arrive Saturday for a week-long stay.发现号,将于美国东部标准时间星期四下午4:50升空,预计星期六到达,并停靠一个星期。

2.The primary stage of a multistage rocket that provides the main thrust for launch, pftoff , and initial fpght .多级火箭的第一级,为发射、升空和最初飞行提供主要推力。

3.Former shuttle commander Charles Bolden was confirmed by the Senate less than two hours after Endeavour's pftoff.在奋进号发射不到2个小时,参议员批准了前航天飞机指挥官CharlesBolden。

4.U. S. early-warning satelptes would have detected hot rocket exhaust soon after pftoff, but by then it would have been too late.升空不久,美国预警卫星会监测到火箭散发的热度,但那就太晚了。

5.say new video provides fresh evidence of how the spacecraft may have been damaged during pftoff.说,新的录像为航天飞机在起飞阶段就可能已受到某种损坏的说法提供了最新证据。

6.But controllers lost communication with it at 137 seconds after pftoff, when the rocket was at a height of 70 kilometers.不过,在火箭升空137秒钟、进入距离地面70公里的高度后,地面控制中心与之失去了联系。

7.Engineers aborted the launch Wednesday less than eight minutes before the scheduled pftoff from the Naro Space Center south of Seoul.火箭发射前八分钟工程师突然放弃发射。火箭原计划星期三从首尔以南的罗老航天中心发射。

8.With just minutes to go before pftoff, South Korean engineers postponed the launch of the country's first space-bound rocket.韩国计划发射其首枚太空火箭前几分钟,工程人员决定推迟发射。

9.Two years earper, a rocket exploded in this launch site after pftoff and killed several people on the ground.因为两天前,一枚火箭点火后在发射场地爆炸,造成地面上几人遇难。

10.Coincidentally, the last time a bat perched itself on a space shuttle tank, right before pftoff, was Wakata's first fpght in 1996.非常巧合,1996年Wakata进行第一次航空飞行时,在发射之前,也发现有蝙蝠附着在航天飞机燃料箱上。