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n.1.a region of DNA at the end of a chromosome that protects the start of the genetic coding sequence against shortening during successive reppcations

1.端粒 Demonstrate: 表明 Telomeres: 端粒酶 Chromosome: 染色体 ...

4.染色体末端的结构  伦敦大学英皇学院的研究指出,痣较多的人老化速度较慢,是因为染色体末端的结构(telomeres)较长,细胞老得慢。   小胸部(SM…

5.瑞粒来自加州大学和杜克大学的研究发现,人体细胞染色体末端有种叫“瑞粒”(telomeres)的片段,和老化有关,人越老,瑞粒越 …

6.染色体终端Variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) 6∼50 100 bp∼20 kb 全部基因体,但大部分在 染色体终端telomeres) Short ta…

7.端粒质细胞染色体端顶的端粒质telomeres)在每次分裂后就会缩短,纪录并控制细胞分裂次数约在60次左右后不再分裂。端粒酶能 …


1.Their first observation was that, adjusted for age, the telomeres of men and women were the same length.她们的第一个发现是:与年龄相适应,男人的端粒和女人的端粒长度相同。

2.The test works by measuring the length of the telomeres and is able to then determine the biological age of a person.这项检测通过检测染色体端粒的长度,就可以判定一个人的生理年龄。

3.'Just as you get your cholesterol or your blood pressure measured, you'd get your telomeres checked. '他充满热情地介绍:“正如你给你的胆固醇或者血压做测量一样,你也会去检测你的染色体端粒。”

4.One set of Mrs. Young's DNA will be sent to Dr. Blackburn's lab, where the length of its telomeres will be measured.杨女士的一份DNA样本会被送往布莱克本的实验室,在那里她的染色体端粒长度会被测量。

5.Our DNA is carrying chromosomes and at each end of these, a sort of protective caps called telomeres.我们的DNA携带染色体,在每条染色体的末端都有保护性的端粒。

6.The results suggest that some people may be genetically predisposed (nature) to age faster, at least as far as telomeres are concerned.结果表明某些人可能是受基因影响衰老得快些(先天的),至少端粒是如此。

7.This was the first pnk between the molecular biology of telomeres and cellular senescence, the aging and death of cells.这是端粒的细胞生物学首次与细胞的衰老及死亡联系在一起。

8.The discovery was that the telomeres are actually connected together.这个发现就是着丝点实际上是连在一起的。

9.These discoveries explained how the ends of the chromosomes are protected by the telomeres and that they are built by telomerase.他们的发现解释了染色体末端是怎样得到端粒的保护,而端粒是在端粒酶的作用下形成的。

10.Later, Ms. Blackburn and Ms. Greider discovered the substance in the body that builds telomeres. The scientists named the enzyme telomerase.后来布莱克本和格雷德发现了人体中用来构筑端粒的物质,并将之命名为端粒酶。