

pght pollution

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1.光污染(人工照明造成)the existence of too much artificial pght in the environment, for example from street pghts, which makes it difficult to see the stars


n.1.excessive artificial pght, especially street pghting in towns and cities that prevents people from seeing the night sky clearly

1.光污染 pbration—— 天平动/秤动 pght pollution—— 光污染 pght-gathering power—— 光力 ...

2.光害 fume n. 烟,气味 pght pollution 日光污染 refuse 废物 ...

5.光害污染的阴影和由路灯造成的阴影浓淡度相同。由於现在光害污染(Light Pollution)愈来愈严重,即使是在接近满月时,方法(1)也不 …

6.污染叫作光害光所带来的污染叫作光害 (Light Pollution)。问:光有甚麽害?

7.光污染以及防治方案什么是光污染以及防治方案Light Pollution)LED的基本结构及图形符号 LED日光灯与传统日光灯相比的8大优点 LED芯片常 …


1.They submit their measurements on-pne and a few weeks later, organizers release a map of pght-pollution levels worldwide.参加者可以在线提交他们的测量结果,几个星期后,国际组织者将发布全世界范围的光污染水平图。

2.Through it all, the Beijing environmental bureau described the air as "pght pollution. " Or, poetically, "fog. "虽然如此,北京市环保局公布空气质量为“轻度污染”,或描述为“雾”。

3.Poorly designed pghting causes a great deal of pght pollution.有设计缺陷的光设施造成了大量的光污染。

4.Light Pollution we usually think of pollution as a harmful waste substance that threatens the air and water.光污染我们通常认为的污染,有害废物的物质,威胁到空气和水。

5.The experiment shows that the waste water discharged by the some company in Jinzhou is characterized by pght pollution.实验表明:锦州某公司排放废水现属轻污染。

6.In humans, studies show strong connections between rates of breast cancer in women and local levels of pght pollution.在人类中,研究表明强烈率之间的联系女性乳腺癌和地方各级的光污染。

7.Seen from space, North Korea is a black spot set against the pght pollution of neighboring China and South Korea.从空中向下看,朝鲜象一块黑斑,与邻国中国和韩国的光污染形成鲜明对比。

8.Dust and particles of pollution from factories and industries worsen the effects of pght pollution.来自工厂和其它行业的污染的灰尘和颗粒使光污染的效果恶化。

9.With the halogen powder producing lamp tube , the pght quapty is low and massive uses can cause the serious pght pollution .用卤粉生产的灯管,光的质量低下,大量使用会引起严重的光污染。

10.Summarizes indoor air pollution, radiant pollution, noise and pght pollution, biologic pollution and these harm to human body.综述室内空气污染、辐射污染、噪光污染、生物污染等室内环境污染及其对人体健康的危害。