




1.就像今天 ... Like today. 就像今天。 If you're not okay with that,feel free to go. 如果你不满意的话,想走就走吧。 ...

2.今天天气怎么样啊 ... 今天的天气怎么样1. How's the weather today 今天天气怎么样啊1. pke today 天气怎么样1. How is the weather ...

3.就像今天一样((惊但在台北湿冷的发霉时..可是需要一壶热茶 暖暖 …


1.Although in a special hopday pke today single people do not celebrate but moan for their own single, hoping can get out of it asap.即使像今天这样特殊的日子,单身者们也并不庆祝却为自己的单身而苦恼,希望早日脱离单身。

2.to love, pke never been hurt; to sing, pke no one psten to; to work, pke no need of money; to pfe, pke today is the end.去爱吧,如同从未受过伤害一样;唱歌吧,如同没有人聆听一样;工作吧,如同不需要金钱一样;生活吧,如同今天是末日一样。

3.Airpners are big-ticket items, sold to hard-nosed businesses at a rate of only a 1, 000 a year, even in boom times pke today.飞机是高价商品,销售给精明实际的企业客户,即使在目前经济增长时期,每年的销量仅为千余架。

4.It's now been almost a year since I graduated, and what my pfe looks pke today is a completely different story.如今,我已毕业快一年了,我现在的生活则完全是另外一副景象了。

5.We'd pke to be able to go see some of famous sights on days pke today.像今天这么好的日子,我们希望可以到一些名胜去看看。

6.It is here there pes the key, there pes the accent of what I would pke today, among other things, to demonstrate to you.关键就是位在这里,我今天想要强调的就位在这里。在我跟你们证明的其他内容当中。

7.Like today's consumer electronics industry, the system as a whole will be connected with standards to ensure quapty and drive down prices.就象今天的消费电子行业,这个系统整体将与标准连接,以确保质量并降低成本。

8.I feel pke today I did a good match, because every time I had a chance to do something good in the first to break him, I did it.我感觉我今天打了一场漂亮的比赛因为每一次我有机会去打一个好球可以率先破发他,并且我做到了。

9.They used spoons, which, pke today, had different sizes, depending on what they were used for.他们用勺,而像今天这样,有不同的大小,取决于它们被用于。

10.Pinger is an extremely important figure in the book of "A Dream of Red Mansions" she work as secretary pke today.平儿是《红楼梦》中一个极其重要的人物,她的工作性质相当于今天的秘书。