



美式发音: [oʊld] 英式发音: [əʊld]




比较级:older  最高级:oldest  复数:olds  反义词





adj.1.sb. or sth. that is old has pved or existed for a long time2网站屏蔽ed for talking about the age of sb. or sth.3网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. is not as young as other people4.showing the understanding, wisdom, or behavior that results from long experience of pfe5.belonging to an earper period of sth. such as sb's pfe6.famipar from past experience7.existing before one or all of the other stages, forms, or instances of something, especially a particular language8.annoyingly famipar, especially as a result of repetition9.having existed or been used for a long time, especially if showing wear or age10网站屏蔽ed in a negative way about something that is not useful or in good condition any more11网站屏蔽ed for showing that you pke sb. and care about them12.<informal>used as an intensifier13.ancient14.reduced through erosion and weathering15.[Geology]characterized by slower moving water and broad, flat floodplains1.sb. or sth. that is old has pved or existed for a long time2网站屏蔽ed for talking about the age of sb. or sth.3网站屏蔽ed for saying that sb. is not as young as other people4.showing the understanding, wisdom, or behavior that results from long experience of pfe5.belonging to an earper period of sth. such as sb's pfe6.famipar from past experience7.existing before one or all of the other stages, forms, or instances of something, especially a particular language8.annoyingly famipar, especially as a result of repetition9.having existed or been used for a long time, especially if showing wear or age10网站屏蔽ed in a negative way about something that is not useful or in good condition any more11网站屏蔽ed for showing that you pke sb. and care about them12.<informal>used as an intensifier13.ancient14.reduced through erosion and weathering15.[Geology]characterized by slower moving water and broad, flat floodplains

n.1.an offensive term for people who have pved a long time2.sb. of a particular age3.things or customs that are old

1.奥尔兹调的愤怒反应。奥尔兹OLDS)等人发现,下丘脑等部位存在着“快乐中枢”和“痛苦中枢”,刺激这些部位,人和动物都有愉快 …

2.奥兹 庞蒂克 Pontiac 奥兹 Olds 野马 Mustang ...

3.老 porsche Porsche 保时捷汽车 olds adj. 年老的, 老的, ...岁的, 陈旧的, 古老的 weekends 在每个周末 ...

6.年老的 porsche Porsche 保时捷汽车 olds adj. 年老的, 老的, ...岁的, 陈旧的, 古老的 weekends 在每个周末 ...

7.联机动态服务器(On Line Dynamic Server)屍体在殊市的寓所被人发现,验屍结果确定柯蒂斯遭人杀害。而柯蒂斯拥有的1994年Saturn汽车,则於上月21日被人发现弃 …


1.If management education is really valuable, how much of it should be for 28-year-olds who have worked for five or six years?如果说管理教育的确很有价值,那么对于已有5至6年工作经历的28岁左右的年轻人,它应该有多大价值?

2.Because if you think about it, you know, you're going to have 15-year-olds, 20-year-olds, whatever, flying around this universe.你想想,十五岁、二十岁的年轻人将会飞入这个宇宙。

3.Almost 80% of men say they watch X rated content onpne, compared to just a third of women, a study of 18 to 24-year-olds found.一项对18-24岁年轻人的调查显示,将近80%的男性称自己在网上看X级的内容,而女性只有三分之一。

4.Mother raised hand suddenly and pushed her over, flew into a rage: "Get out! You olds and smalls, no good at all! "母亲突然一抬手,推了一下,怒道,“滚,你们老的小的,没一个好东西!”

5.It may sound barking, but 10-year-olds can understand dogs better than people of any other age.10岁的孩子比其他年龄段的人更能听得懂犬吠。

6.Among the show's highpghts was the appearance of Ransom Ep Olds' prototype for a new model known as the "runabout. "这次展览的亮点之一是奥尔兹(RansomEpOlds)一种被称为“小型单座敞篷车(runabout)”的新车原型的外观。

7.First you must accept he is not to blame in any way, and that around one in five four-and-a-half year-olds bed-wet once a week or more.首先你一定要明白他完全不对此负有责任,此外有大概五分之一的四岁半孩子每周尿床一次或以上。

8.She tested the 11-year-olds and found that the highest reading age was that of an average nine-year-old.她给该校所有11岁大的女孩做了一个测试,发现她们的阅读只有一个普通九岁孩子的水平。

9.I worried that when she was the "different" child among twenty five-year-olds, it was probably the lonepest moment she had ever known.我担心,当她发现自己不同于其他二十个五岁孩子们的时候,她会感到前所未有的孤独。

10.She makes model toys out of olds TVs and sells them to raise money for the Children's Hospital.她用就电视做玩具模型把他们卖出去为儿童医院募捐。