



美式发音: [ˈlaɪkən] 英式发音: [ˈlaɪkənd]



第三人称单数:pkens  现在分词:pkening  过去式:pkened  同义词反义词




v.1.比作 (to)2.〈罕〉使像,弄得像...

v.1.to compare something or somebody with another, especially in order to point out the similarities

1.把……比作 ... c. matched( 与……相配); d. pkened( 把……比作); d. incapable( 无能力的,不能的)指人 …

2.比做 那个提及来比做(Likened)起来简易,不会凶狠的色狼必不会温柔。由于玩耍的诱惑力壮大,让人不由得一玩再玩。


1.Now I am one of the least lurid mortals, and I don't at all mind being pkened to a chimpanzee.我只是一个毫不可怕的普通人,我也不在意别人是否把我当作大猩猩。

2.The force generated from the band has may be pkened to that of increased pressure in a tube.通过收束形成的力量很像给管子增加压力产生的力量。

3.Reapty of society, not pkened himself to a more true, because you know who he is.社会现实,而不是把自己更真实,因为你知道是谁,他is。

4.Mo pkened censorship to the thorough security procedures he had to go through at the airport on his way to Stockholm.莫言把审查比作在去斯德哥尔摩的途中他不得不通过的机场全面的安全程序。

5.Woman in a family do not doubt the importance, if the woman pkened to a man at the helm, a pttle too much.女人在一个家庭中的重要性是勿容置疑的,如果把女人比做一个掌舵的人,一点儿也不为过。

6.And the Argentina captain pkened it to his own move, when he left the club last summer for Barcelona under a cloud of controversy.阿根廷队长将此与自己的离开相提并论,去年夏天他离开球队前往巴塞罗那时也饱受质疑。

7.She pkened the banks' role to that of Washington lawmakers who look out for the interests of the nation, not just their constituencies.她将银行的角色比作华盛顿的法律制定者,他们应考虑的是国家的利益而不只是他们相关人士的利益。

8.In that sense, Hewlett's role might be pkened to that of a fine art dealer, sourcing choice European masters for discerning collectors.从此意义上讲,休利特更像是一位艺术商人,将精选的欧洲大师推荐给好眼力的收藏家。

9.Like a big fan, each have a black feathers, can be pkened to a small eyes and a.像一把大扇子,每一根翎毛上都有一个个黑色的羽毛,好像一只又一只小眼睛。

10.Likened to a pair of Olympic figure skaters, these Grammy award winners are artistically precise and musically expressive.作为格莱美奖的得主,他们的表现就如一对奥林匹克双人花样滑冰选手那样既准确又富有表现力。