




1.种种子 ... Homework: 作 业: Plant the seeds . 种种子 Key words:Guess how many! 猜猜 …

2.播种 1、Dig a hole.( 挖个洞) 2、Plant the seeds.( 播种) 1、Line up!( 排队) ...


1.All this has prompted two overdue epiphanies. First, Detroit needs to plant the seeds of a new economy.所有这一切使人们明白了两个被延误的道理:一,底特律需要重播新的经济发展的种子。

2."This World Cup is beginning to plant the seeds, serving as a glue to bind the nation, " he added.“这是世界杯开始种植的种子,作为约束胶国家服务,”他补充说。

3.Once we plant the seeds of concurrency in these base courses, we then could expand on them throughout the curriculum.一旦我们在这些基础课程中种下了并行的种子,那么我们就可以在课程中展开它们。

4.The Greek proverb, what does it say? Why does anybody plant the seeds of a tree whose shade they will never see?希腊谚语,怎么说着?为什么前人即便无法乘树荫之凉也心甘情愿去栽树呢?。

5.But if she didn't plant the seeds, she'd be going wherever her father went after he died, or not going wherever her father didn't go.但是如果她不把种子种下去,她就要去她父亲死后所去的地方,或者不去她父亲不去的地方。

6.So there's so much more we can do together to plant the seeds of our economic recovery, and to achieve lasting prosperity.因此,为了播下经济复苏的种子并实现持久繁荣,我们能够共同做更多的事情。

7.to plant the seeds within the collective consciousness of humanity.在人类集体意识之中种植种子。

8.He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts.他将在他们心里种下他智慧的种子。

9.Plant the seeds of your heart, in nurturing and powerful LOVE.将种籽在滋养与大能的爱中种植在你的心田吧!

10.The seeds need rich, moist soil. Plant the seeds about fifteen to twenty-five centimeters apart.需要在肥沃、超潮湿的土壤中种植芹菜种子,种植间距在十五到二十五厘米之间。