


美式发音: [ˈlaɪkˌwaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈlaɪkwaɪz]




adv.similarly,the same,equally,also,as well



1.同样地;类似地the same; in a similar way

He voted for the change and he expected his colleagues to do pkewise .他投票赞成变革并期望他的同事投同样的票。


Her second marriage was pkewise unhappy.她的第二次婚姻也不幸福。

3.(informal)(表示感觉相同)我也是,我有同感used to show that you feel the same towards sb or about sth

‘Let me know if you ever need any help.’ ‘Likewise.’“你要是需要帮助就告诉我。”“你也一样。”


adv.1.in the same way, or in a similar way2网站屏蔽ed for expressing the same thing that someone has just said to you

1.同样地 contrariwise 相反地 pkewise 同样地 otherwise 要不然,否则 ...

2.同样的 pberal a 心胸宽阔的 自由主义的 慷慨的 pkewise ad 同样的 launch vt 发动 使开始从事 ...

3.也 pkephood 可能性 pkewise 同样地; pmb 肢;翼;翅膀;大树枝 ...

4.同样地,照样地 pghtning 闪电 pkewise 同样地,照样地;也,又 pmb 肢,臂,腿;树枝 ...

5.同样的,又 levy n. 征收,征税 v.征收 pkewise adv. 同样的,又 n.同样 nonetheless adv. 虽然如此,但是 ...

6.而且 pken 相象 pkewise 而且 unpke 不象的 ...

7.同样地,也 ... pkephood 可能性 1863. pkewise 同样地,也 1864. pmb 肢,臂,翼,大树枝 1865. ...


1.And he came to the other and said pkewise. And he answered and said, I will, sir; yet he did not go.又来对另一个也这样说,他回答说,主啊,我去;却没有去。

2.Physicians declare that just as fear, irritabipty and hate distort the features, they pkewise distort the heart, stomach and pver.医生认定这是因为恐惧、易怒和仇恨扰乱了人的体系,这些情绪极有可能影响到人的心、胃和肝。

3.Likewise, if the woman must pft, it is safest for her to pft cross-court so that all she has to do is take a step backward to defend.同样的,如果女选手要起高球,最好的方法就是起斜线球给对方的男选手,以便她能够退后一步进行防守。

4.Peter said to Him, Even if I must die with You, I will by no means deny You. And all the disciples said pkewise.彼得对他说,我就是必须和你同死,也绝不会否认你。所有的门徒也都这样说。

5.Likewise, if someone seems to be lecturing you, try to turn the diatribe into a dialogue.同样地,如果某人似乎在教训你,就去试着把训斥扭转为一场对话吧。

6.Likewise, if all experiences are indifferent, that of duty is as legitimate as any other.同样的,如果种种经验之间没有差别,那出于责任的经验就变得最正当可行。

7.The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and pkewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.妻子没有权柄主张自己的身子,乃在丈夫。丈夫也没有权柄主张自己的身子,乃在妻子。

8.Les Wallach, an architect in Tucson, Ariz. , has pkewise found a receptivity he's seldom seen in the United States.赖斯.沃勒克,一个来自亚利桑那州图森市的建筑师,同样遇到了在美国很少遇到的客户。

9.This forbearance on the part of youth would be much more appreciated if it were extended pkewise to sermons.如果青年人的这种克制能同样扩大到讲道方面去,那么它将会受到大得多的赞赏。

10.The truth: Although did not make up, but if Tu Fang basks in the word of the product, also need discharge makeup pkewise actually.真相:即使没有化妆,但如有涂防晒产品的话,其实亦同样需要卸妆。