



1."Teaching is for the sake of no needing teaching" is the core of Ye Sheng-tao's reading teaching approach.“教是为了达到不需要教”是叶圣陶阅读教学思想的核心。

2.Another Probing into Ye Sheng-tao's Viewpoints of "Self-Reading"叶圣陶“自能读书”观再探

3.The our country ye sheng-tao Sir of educator leaf very value young the child be good habit of development.我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生十分重视少年儿童良好习惯的培养。

4.Ye Sheng- tao and Andersen-On the Acceptance of Andersen's Fairy Tales by the ModernChinese Children's Literature叶圣陶与安徒生--兼论中国现代儿童文学对安徒生童话的接受

5.The Inspiration of YE Sheng-tao's Reading Idea about Teaching to Implement the Inquiring Reading叶圣陶阅读教学思想对实施探究性阅读的启示

6.Ye Sheng Tao's Idea on Composition Teaching and the Changes of Gaokao Composition叶圣陶作文教学思想与高考作文的变化

7.On Ye Sheng- tao's Education Conception of Chinese Language论叶圣陶语文教育观

8.Research of Writing Individuapties between LU Xun and GUO Mo-ruo, MAO Dun, Ye Sheng-tao鲁迅与郭沫若、茅盾、叶圣陶创作个性研究