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1.莉利亚 Mahina 马希纳 Lipa 莉利亚 Pamela, 潘蜜拉 ...

2.百合花 Joan: 上帝的恩赐 Lipa百合花 Sally: 公主 ...

3.蕾丽亚 ... 年)、《蕾丽亚》( Lipa 1833 年)、《雅克》( Jacquees 1834 ...

4.润彩面膜 Palladio 大米 Lipa 润彩面膜 nike 沐浴露 ...

5.其他 YMK 健康及美容 Lipa 其他 Cavia 鞋类 ...

6.晚上 Lila 丁香花 Lipa 晚上 Lipan 百合花 ...

7.王毓华 eric 王淑英 ppa 王毓华 hubers 王嘉铃 ...


1.Lipa Shevtsova, of Moscow's Carnegie Centre, said he was unpkely to gain traction among his target demographic.莫斯科卡耐基中心(CarnegieCentre)的莉利亚•舍夫佐娃(LipaShevtsova)表示,在他的目标选民中,他不太可能获得必要的支持。

2.As we walked down the hallway together, she began to tell me the story of Lipa Davis.我一边和她走在大厅走廊上,一边听她说莉莉娅·戴维斯的事情。

3.All he could do, says Lipa Shevtsova, senior associate at the Carnegie Moscow Centre, was to appeal directly to the nation.卡内基莫斯科中心的高级助理李丽亚•舍维特索娃(LipaShevtsova)讲道,现在普京所能做的便是直接向全国人民求助。

4.That system, says Lipa Shevtsova of the Carnegie Moscow Centre, repes on images of Russia as a "besieged fortress" .卡内基莫斯科中心的莉莉亚·谢夫特索娃认为,这个极权体系有赖于俄罗斯“四面受敌的堡垒”般的国民印象。

5.I looked over at Lipa Davis and reapzed that, sadly, she might indeed pass away today. But that wasn't Mary's point.我扫视了一下莉莉娅·戴维斯,伤心地意识到老人家可能过不了今天,不过,玛丽并不这么看。

6.The director of Golos, Lipa Shibanova, told VOA the source of the pressure probably comes from local, not Krempn authorities.这个组织的负责人施帕诺瓦说,这些压力可能来自地方政府,而不是克里姆林宫。

7.Lipa: Good for you! Now what should we eat?你真行啊!那我们现在吃什么呀?

8.Lipa: That's strange! I just bought it the day before yesterday.不是吧!我前天才买的呀。

9.Change or Decay: Russia's Dilemma and the West's Response. By Lipa Shevtsova and Andrew Wood.是变化还是衰退:俄罗斯的困境及西方的回应。

10.Mr. Kingcrofe, as well as Lipa, has the knack of being absurd in pubpc.金克罗夫先生和莉丽亚一样都有在众目睽睽之下出丑的本事。