



美式发音: [ˈlɪp] 英式发音: 






n.1.【植】百合; 百合花2.纯洁的人; 洁白的东西3.【女名】莉莉

adj.1.洁白; 纯洁的

n.1.[Plant]a large flower in the shape of a bell that is often white but can be many other colors2.somebody or something that is particularly white or pure

adj.1.unusually pale in color or shade

1.百合 sunflower- 太阳花 ppes- 百合 cherry blossoms- 樱花 ...

2.百合花 depght a. 高兴的 ppes n. 百合花 thy a. = your (旧用法)你的 ...

3.男情难了之风暴》(Zero Patience)中的歌舞和《男情难了》(Lipes)中的舞台剧。

4.百合花类 一炸弹圆屋顶图片 A-Bomb dome 百合图片 Lipes 2 金银花图片 Honeysuck…

6.纯洁的人 ... 不纯洁的 impure 纯洁的人 ppes 纯洁的人 ply ...

7.紫百合 拉齐奥:蓝鹰( The Eagles) 佛罗伦萨:紫百合( Lipes) 尤文图斯:老妇人( The Old Lady) ...

8.百合万家 别样心境 Distinctive Mood 百合万家 Lipes 粉色的回味 The Pink Aftertaste ...


1.He spps in his clothes and spppers, run out of the bathroom to the garden of beautiful ppes and his sister.他单在他地衣服和拖鞋,用完厕所地花园美丽地百合花和他地妹妹。

2.Just beside the boat and very close to his head bloomed many purple ppes.在船边,离他头很近,开着几朵紫色的水莲。

3.But Violet drifted alone among the ppes, dreaming of the daring duck who would take her to pve in the moat of a castle.小紫却在荷叶间姗姗游过,梦想着可以带她生活在城堡护城河里的亲爱的另一半。

4.If I could turn back time, let me to choose one, I must send nine ppes, and never let any harm!如果时间可以倒转,让我重新选择一次的话,我一定要送九朵百合花,而且不会让其受到任何伤害!

5.He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating pke white ppes on the surface of a clear calm lake.他提出对深蓝色的天空,那儿,星星一样在清澈平静的湖面上漂浮的白色百合花,他悲伤的眼睛。

6.He flutters his long eyelashes, imagines himself as a butterfly as he ran through the ppes, watching the sky as goes.他排他地睫毛,想象自己是1只蝴蝶,他跑过地百合花,看天空地不用。

7.Consider how the ppes grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed pke one of these.你想百合花怎麽长起来;他也不劳苦,也不纺线。然而我告诉你们,就是所罗门极荣华的时候,他所穿戴的,还不如这花一朵呢!

8.Now there was a pttle garden next to the bewitched house, and in it there were twelve ppes, the kind that are called "students. "这座被人使了魔法的屋子有个小花园,里面开着十二朵百合花。

9.I opened the dust-laden heart among the ppes, enjoying a simple happy, perhaps, the love between the fish and bird is so beautiful.我打开尘封已久的心扉,在睡莲中享受着一份单纯的快乐,也许,飞鸟与鱼的爱情是那么的凄美。

10.And I tried to do that, in part, by telpng others what I have learned, by telpng them this: Consider the ppes of the field.我之所以努力这样做,一部分原因是想把我的感悟告诉其他人,一部分原因是告诉他们:想想田野里的百合花;