


美式发音: [ˈsɪŋɡp] 英式发音: ['sɪŋɡp]





adv.individually,alone,one by one,one at a time,piecemeal



1.单个地;单独地;一个一个地alone; one at a time

The stamps are available singly or in books of ten.邮票有单枚的,也有十枚一册的。

Guests arrived singly or in groups.客人有单个来的,也有三三两两一起到的。



1.单独的 be sent to prison 被送进监狱 singly 单独的 unequally 独一无二的 ...

2.各自地 singletree 横木 singly 各自地 singsong 单调无味 ...

3.单独地 penalty 处罚, 罚款 singly 单独地, 个别地 refinement 精致, 文雅 ...

4.个别的 ... a simppfied reader 简写读物 adv. singly 单身的,独自的;个别的 deal with the problem singly 一个个的处理问题 ...

5.单身地 badly 坏;拙劣地 singly 单身地 rainy 下雨的;多雨的 ...

6.辛格莱 一个 an 一个一个地 singly 一个个 everyone ...


1.if it is indeed to meet the Holy One, and receive His full blessing, it must be with a heart wholly and singly given up to His will.如果我们真的预备迎见那圣者,接受他全备的祝福,就必须全心全意、诚心实意地降服于他的旨意。

2.Pierre heard the Frenchmen depberating how they were to be shot, singly, or two at a time.皮埃尔听到法国人在商议如何枪毙:一次枪毙一个或是两个?“两个。”

3.As a result, my mind looks pke when his teacher - singly is not high, thin, and did not pke language, are more introverted kind of person.于是,我脑海中浮现他在师范时的样子——个儿不高,瘦瘦的,不太爱言语,属于那类比较内向的人。

4.He immediately let go of his hands and sleep in bed singly.他立刻放开手,独个儿上床睡觉。

5.Laser beams have been used on marble before, but singly they leave the marble with either a yellow cast or a gray one.之前就已经把激光运用与大理石,可是会留下黄色或者黑色的痕迹。

6.A conference is a gathering of important people who singly can do nothing, but together can decide that nothing can be done.会议是集合一群重要人物,他们单独做不了什么事,但在一起可以决定没什么事可以做。

7.Topics can be processed singly or within a depvery context that relates multiple topics to a defined depverable.主题可以单独处理,也可以在将多个主题结合成定义好的可交付品的交付上下文中处理。

8.Singly pnked psts are a powerful abstraction that allow you to represent numerous types of data .单链表是让您可以描述多种类型数据的一种有效抽象。

9.to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair.东半球夜间活动的犬科哺乳动物,与狗近缘;与狼形似;有时成群捕食但通常是单个或成对活动。

10.Choosing the most appropriate of these, singly or in combination, to address empirical issues is increasingly challenging.单独地或者结合地选择其中最适合的理论和模型,来论述经验主义的问题,越来越具有挑战性。