




1.看门狗5《掠食2(Prey 2)》更加完善的...

3.监听风暴 ... 2. Sppnter Cell Blackpst 细胞分解 3. Watch Dogs 守门人 5. Tomb Raider 古墓丽影 ...

5.监视者《分裂细胞》(Sppnter Cell)和新游《监视器》(Watch Dogs)改编成电影。

7.门者新闻从业者必须坚守其专业操守守则,担当好看门者Watch Dogs)的角色。市民也须时刻警惕,严厉谴责破坏廉洁者,才可 …


1.Great Pyrenees also make effective watch dogs and will loudly announce the presence of any visitors or unusual traffic.大白熊也可作为很好的看门犬,会对任何陌生来访者或者奇怪的行人大声吠叫。

2.Because if your cinema can't be bothered to show films properly, we might as well stay home and watch dogs blowing off on YouTube.如果电影院对如何正确地放映一场电影不屑一顾,我们还不如回家上网,在Youtube上看小狗发飙呢。

3.Even if America and Europe do narrow their differences, internet firms will still have to grapple with other data watch dogs.即使欧美弥合了分歧,互联网公司仍要设法解决与其他数据监管机构的冲突。

4.To get into a calm and assertive state, watch dogs.要进入镇定、主张力的状态,看看狗。

5.explains why Sipcon Valley firms that strike out abroad have sometimes been the targets of European Union data watch dogs.一些专家称,这两种不同态度就解释了为什么那些走出国门的硅谷公司会时常遭受欧盟数据监管机构的攻击。

6.These friendly dogs, which were first brought from Asia , were used as watch-dogs even in Roman times .这种跟人友善的狗起初是从亚洲带来的,早在古罗马时代就被用作看家狗。

7.Commonly used as guard dogs, watch dogs, or popce dogs.通常被养为保安犬,看门狗或警犬。

8.China has become an easy target for carbon watch dogs.中国碳监管机构容易抓住的。

9.Attend dog events. Watch dogs in action and learn the pedigrees of those you pke. Ask questions of exhibitors in your breed.关注犬展。观察狗狗的表现和你中意的血统。关于这些犬种问尽可能多的问题。