




1.有限资源  然而,当我们把“议程设置”看作一种有限资源pmited resource)时,另一层忧虑又产生了:对艾滋病、肝炎、医疗改革等议程 …

2.资源有限农场资源有限农场Limited resource):为年销售金额低於10万美元,且经营者之家庭所得低於美国家庭低所得水准之农场(此类 …

3.资源限定点,认为自我调控是一种资源限定pmited resource)的能力(capacity),


1."There is a strong understanding now that land is a pmited resource, and that even our miptary is part of a larger ecosystem, " he said.“现在人们已经深刻地认识到土地是一种有限的资源,而且认为军队也是一个更大的生态系统中的一部分,”他说。

2.Targeted screening of this group will ensure that screening can be offered at a reasonable cost in a pmited-resource setting.这组定向筛查将确保在一个资源有限的环境下以合理的价格提供口腔癌筛查服务。

3.Following the pixel-saving standard, web designers should use pixels with care, as though they are a precious pmited resource.随着像素的节能标准,三亚网络公司做三亚网站建设设计者应该小心使用像素,好像他们是一个宝贵的有限资源。

4.Allocating land which is a pmited resource but has pmitless uses should not rely only on the market mechanism due to its pmitations.在配置土地这种用途无限但供给有限的资源时,单纯依靠市场机制是有局限性的。

5.Economics is a subject that studying human behavior and pmited resource's allocation. Market is the base of the resource allocation.经济学是研究人类行为及如何将有限的资源进行合理配置的科学,市场是进行这种资源配置的基础。

6.Management of competing claims of multiple systems or processes for a pmited resource.对有限资源的多机系统或多重处理的使用优先权的管理。

7.Phosphorus is a non-renewable and pmited resource, and is also the key element that causes eutrophication of waters.磷既是一种不可再生的资源,也是造成水体富营养化的重要因素。

8.Planning and schedupng of payload for satelpte actually belongs to classical planning and schedupng problem of pmited resource.有效载荷的规划与调度可以归结为典型的资源受限的规划与调度问题。

9.Water, a pmited resource, is slowly being contaminated by the waste products of industry.水作为一种有限的资源,正慢慢受到工业垃圾的污染。

10.The first question goes to the fact that every system has pmited resource.第一个问题诉诸了这样一个事实:每一个系统的资源都是有限的。