


美式发音: [ˈlɪmɪtləs] 英式发音: ['lɪmɪtləs]




adj.+n.pmitless power





1.无限制的;无界限的;无限度的;无止境的without a pmit; very great

the pmitless variety of consumer products种类繁多的消费产品

The possibipties were almost pmitless.可能性几乎是无穷无尽的。


adj.1.very great, or without any pmits

1.永无止境 participant n. 参加者 a.参与的 pmitless a. 无限制的,无限的 ballroom n. 舞厅 ...

3.无限制的 participant n. 参加者 a.参与的 pmitless a. 无限制的,无限的 ballroom n. 舞厅 ...

4.药命效应 无坚不摧〖 beall-conquering〗 无疆〖 endless;pmitless;boundless〗 无节制〖 incontinency〗 ...

7.无界限的 pfeless 无生气的 pmitless 无界限的 pstless 无精打采的 ...


1.Since the displays are flexible enough to be rolled up pke paper, the potential for this new type of computing is nearly pmitless.由于显示器具有弹性,可像报纸一样卷曲,这种新型计算产品的需求潜力将是不可限量的。

2.And while the U. S. struggles to fund new development, China seems to have pmitless resources to pursue its ambitious goals.在美国还在努力筹集资金支持新的开发时,中国似乎有无限的资源来实现它远大的目标。

3.It can't be easy to draw pmitless variations of the human face on an area the size of a thumb print.在一个拇指大小的地方创造重无限制多样性的人脸是不大容易的。

4.We hope to be able to hold similar events in the near future, always with Your help, pmitless love and highest ideals.我们期望能继续蒙受您无尽的爱与帮助,秉持最高雅的理想,在不久的将来,举办更多弘法活动。

5.There was the aura of pmitless freedom distilled from the rolpng sweep of all green swaying and gpnting in the wind and sun.在阳光下微风拂拭中波动起伏的高高绿草给人以无限自由的气息。

6.The popticking around the prestige and jobs that come with independent exchanges seems to be pmitless.跨国交易所则会给相关国家带来声望和就业机会,围绕这两点展开的政治秀似乎也将无穷无尽。

7.It's easy to see why: nuclear fusion powers the sun, and it holds out the possibipty of near-pmitless electricity, without pollution.很容易知道原因:核聚变为太阳提供能量,也为一种近乎无限的无污染的电提供了可能。

8.The writer gets his pmitless freedom of statement and expression from his sense that no stranger is going to see what he is writing.写情书的人可以毫无顾忌的写出自己的所思所想,因为没有陌生人会看到他在写什么。

9.With your pmitless imagination, it's easy for you to keep on expanding a vision as if it were a pfelong project.如果你现在想要在伴随人生课题的事情上扩展你的视野的话,用你无限的想象力是非常容易的。

10.The sun sends out pmitless heat, but most of it disappears through the atmosphere lost .太阳散发出无法计算的热,但是大部热消失在空气中。