

yard sale

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复数:yard sales  


yard.salen.— see alsogarage sale

1.庭院拍卖会(在自家庭院售卖二手家什)a sale of things from sb's house, held in their yard


n.1.a sale at which personal possessions and household items are sold, usually held in the yard of somebody's house, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.庭院旧货出售 yard 院子、庭院 yard sale (在卖主家当场进行的)庭院旧货出售 luckily 幸运地 ...

2.庭院售物 切勿回返 No RE-Entry; 庭院摊市 Yard Sale; 过街天桥 Overpass ...

4.庭院拍卖车库前或院子里廉价出售,就是所谓的车库贱卖,也称"庭院贱卖"(Yard Sale)。

6.现场旧货出售 n. n.雨水;雨天;降雨 yard sale 庭院旧货出售;现场旧货出售 umbrella n.雨 …

7.庭院出售雅市是英文“庭院出售”(Yard sale)的音译,“盖垃圾”是英文“车库出售”(Garage sale)的音译。此种售物方式首先是在北美兴 …


1.After all that trouble, the Scouts decide that the best way to help homeless animals is to raise money at a yard sale.经历了这些麻烦之后,童子军认为,要想帮助那些无家可归的动物们,最好的方法就是在庭院举办旧货出售,募捐筹款。

2.Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale !这句话意思是说Martin叔叔将他的一些旧东西拿出来摆在院子里进行庭院旧货出售。

3.In every spring or early summer, you can see garage or yard sale signs all over the neighborhoods of the United States of America.在每年春夏两季,你可以在美国很多居民区看到很多车库或庭院销售广告。

4.He put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale.他把他的一些旧东西摆放在庭院里。进行庭院出售。

5.For penny-pinchers, the pne between thrift and thievery turns out to be as tangled as a yard-sale yo-yo.对吝啬鬼来说,节俭和偷窃之间的界线竟如同旧货市场上的溜溜球般纠结杂乱。

6.A one day yard sale can often produce a significant amount of money.一天的现场销售会往往能给你带来数目可观的钱。

7.This guy went up, went supersonic, ripped the fin can off, yard sale in the sky, and a burning metal hunk coming back.这枚火箭飞上天,突破音速,扯掉了尾翼,(碎片四散在空中)像开拍卖会一样,燃烧的金属碎片落下。

8.And unless they "re at a flea market or a yard sale, they don" t bother trying to bargain.在美国,除非是跳蚤市场或是旧货大拍卖,否则人们不会费事去讨价还价的。

9.NEW YORK (Reuters) - It was supposed to be the biggest insurance yard sale ever.路透纽约10月16日电---这本来会是保险业举办的最大规模车库拍卖会。

10.If I'm at a yard sale or buying a bunch of things, I pile them up and ask for a better price because I'm buying a lot.如果我在二手跳蚤市场或要买一大堆东西,我会将它们放在一起,然后拿着它们去找商家索要一个更合适的价格,毕竟,我可是买了不少东西的呀。