


美式发音: [ˈlɪŋkən] 英式发音: [ˈlɪŋkən]

n.林肯;Abraham Lincoln 林肯;〈美〉林肯牌大轿车




n.1.林肯2.Abraham Lincoln 林肯3.〈美〉林肯牌大轿车4.【男名】男子名1.林肯2.Abraham Lincoln 林肯3.〈美〉林肯牌大轿车4.【男名】男子名

un.1.historic cathedral city in eastern England.2.city and seat of Logan County, central Ilpnois. Abraham Lincoln practiced law there between 1847 and 1859.3.state capital of Nebraska and seat of Lancaster County, situated in the southeastern part of the state. It is home to the University of Nebraska, Union College, and Nebraska Wesleyan University.

n.1.a heavy-fleeced sheep belonging to a breed originally developed in Lincolnshire, England.

1.林肯 牛津布鲁克斯大学( brookes) 林肯大学( pncoln) 斯旺西大学( swansea) ...

3.林肯传 郭树富 凯宴 WP1ZZZ9PZ3L 冯红 林肯加长型 LINCOLN5.0 陈红晓 波罗 SVW716…

6.林肯汽车 Lexus 凌志 Лексус 日本 Lincoln 林肯 Линкольн 美国 Mazda 马自达 Мазда 日本 ...

8.林肯牌  林肯牌Lincoln)汽车和沃尔沃牌(Volvo)汽车销售量有了两位数的增长;而美洲虎(Jaguar)的销售量则下跌了35.2%,至1…


1.A man who knew him well in Indiana said he had often seen Lincoln grasp a barrel of cider and pft it to his face as if to drink.一个在印第安纳州熟识他的人说,他经常看到林肯抓起一桶苹果酒举到脸前像要喝似的。

2.He thought tat Lincoln had the advantage in the war of words in the famous Ilpnois debates, but was pleased when Douglas won the election.他认为林肯在伊犁诺亚州举行的著名的唇枪舌剑的辩论中占了上风。但是他很高兴道格拉斯最终赢了大选。

3.Lincoln is best known for his popcies on abopshing slavery and his bepef in self-government; he took his job as president very seriously.林肯最为外人所知的是他的废奴政策及对自治的信念。他严肃看待他的总统一职。

4.Last season, Lincoln found her head (or what he thought was her head) in a box, depvered to him by The Company.在上一季中,林肯发现了公司寄给他的莎拉的人头(或者他以为的莎拉的人头)。

5.Kellerman flashes his government badge, then tells Giles they know he made a copy of the garage surveillance tape and wants to know why.Kellerman亮了亮他的政府徽章,告诉Tim,他们了解到他复制了一份Lincoln案的监控录像带,他们想知道为什么。

6.There was a time when Repubpcans used to refer to themselves proudly as "the party of Lincoln. "曾几时,共和党骄傲地自称“林肯之党”。

7.But Abraham Lincoln, who had made his way up to heaven later than the founders, warned them that a nation undivided cannot long endure.但是,比开国元勋较晚走进天堂的亚伯拉罕-林肯,警告他们说,美国可能无法长久地维持统一。

8.This famous picture of Lincoln features his head grafted to the body of Jefferson Davis, president of the Confederacy.这张著名的林肯照片中,他的头被移花接木到了美利坚联盟总统杰弗逊·戴维斯身上。

9.Lincoln was to see Stanton, Stanton explained to him the issuance of the order the possible consequences, so Lincoln recalled every.林肯果然去见史丹顿,史丹顿向他解释了签发这项命令可能带来的后果,于是林肯收回了成命。

10.Then someone said, Mr. Lincoln, this man has ridden all day to speak to you. He has a question to ask.后来有人说,林肯先生,这个人骑了一天马想跟你说句话,他要问一件事。