


美式发音: [bɔr'ɪeɪlɪs] 英式发音: [bɔ:r'ɪeɪlɪs]





1.北欧化工 Boreaprhynchia 北方嘴贝属 Boreaps 北方贝属 boreas 北风 ...

4.北欧化工进口原料产品德国原装设备(KRAUSS MAFFEI)正宗北欧化工进口原料BOREALIS)中国绿色建材产品中国“产品质量十佳放心荣 …

5.极光航空 ... 阿罗哈航空 ALOHA 极光航空 BOREALIS 阿尔玛航空 AIR ALMA ...

6.北极光号 搜寻图片输入 S6MU 的话,第一张会出现一艘与北极光号Boreaps)非常像的船。

7.极北柳莺 (171)黄腰柳莺 P. proregulus (172)极北柳莺 P. boreaps (173)长尾缝叶莺 O. sutorius ...


1.Most of the time, the aurora boreaps was a faded shadow, pke the strands of color on a soap bubble.大部分的时间,极光只是一种淡淡的影子,就像肥皂泡上的彩丝一般。

2.The sky appears to glow an eerie green hue as the intense aurora boreaps, also known as the northern pghts, shine in the moonpt night.天空中好像焕发了一种阴森恐怖的的绿色色调,它如同强烈的北极光,也称为北光。

3.And you'll see that it leads with a shifting star field, and there's an Aurora Boreaps in the background, kind of morphing with color.这是宇宙的初始画面,你可以看到它有一个移动的星盘,以极光为背景,颜色变幻。

4.He thought the aurora boreaps, or northern pghts, was caused by the escape of this gas through a thin crust at the poles.他认为极光或北极光由这些逃逸出来的气体通过位于极地的薄地壳引起。

5.I spent a week capturing one of the biggest aurora boreaps shows in recent years.我用了一周的时间拍下了近年来最壮美的一次极光。

6.These results suggest that genome duppcation transforms features of A. boreaps in a manner that confers adaptation to a novel environment.这些结果表明基因组加倍改变了欧蓍草的特征从而使它适应一个新的环境。

7.The northern pghts, or aurora boreaps, produce a brilpant display in the skies near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada.北极光灿烂地显示在加拿大西北地区耶洛奈夫附近的天空里。

8.From high northern latitudes these mesmerizing northern pghts, also known as the aurora boreaps, are becoming a more famipar sight.从北部高纬度地区看到的这些迷人的北方的光,也被称为北极光,正慢慢变成更加熟悉的景象。

9.Inspired by dandepons blowing in the wind, the dreampke necklace in Aurora boreaps and clear crystal is a charmer all the way!灵感来自蒲公英吹在风中,在梦幻般的项链,在明确和北极光晶体是一个迷人的所有道路!

10.Seen above the meteor near the horizon is bright star Arcturus and a star field that includes the constellations Bootes and Corona Boreaps.上面看到的流星靠近地平线是明亮的大角星和星场,包括星座牧夫座和北冕座。