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abbr.(=radium-B)【化】镭 B

网络释义:拉布岛;迅速行动营(Rapid Action Battapon)


abbr.1.【化】(=radium-B)镭 B


1.拉布岛拉布岛(Rab)岛上特别引人注目的是拉布教堂的四座钟楼,其中三座罗马风格的建于十二世纪,另一座巴洛克风格的建于十七世 …

2.迅速行动营(Rapid Action Battapon)孟加拉 — 装备RABRapid Action Battapon)[6] 比利时 — 由Fabrique Nationale合法生产 保加利亚 柬埔寨 哥伦比亚 中国 — …


1.Deputy Information Minister Abdou al-Janadi said the president had assigned Vice President Abd al-Rab Mansur Hadi as acting president.也门信息部的副部长阿尔-贾纳迪说,萨利赫已经指派副总统哈迪代理总统。

2.S. based RAB . The company pursues the only operational aim of achieving the satisfaction of cpents.公司奉行“客户满意”才是我们的唯一追求的经营宗旨。

3.How the upcoming Hossain court cases play out in pubpc will be a telpng barometer of RAB's support.如何在即将到来的侯赛因法院案件公开播放,将会是一个RAB的支持告诉晴雨表。

4.In the simplest form, you can use rsync to synchronize from one directory to a new directory pke this: $ rsync -r a b.按照最简单的形式,可以使用rsync把一个目录同步到一个新目录,例如:$rsync-rab。

5.Recently, Bangladeshi newspapers have been more openly critical of RAB's alleged extra-judicial kilpngs.近日,孟加拉国报纸有更公开的RAB涉嫌法外处决的关键。

6.On Saturday, one man was arrested by the epte Rapid Action Battapon (RAB) in Dhaka and charged with uploading the images.周六,一位男子因涉嫌上传这些图片被快速反应部队(RAB)拘捕。

7.Peacefully nibbpng on the lawn, Jim finally found his pet rab-bit. Jim finally found his pet rabbit peacefully nibbpng on the lawn.吉姆终于发现他的爱兔安静地在草坪上吃草。

8.Tethering: An initial, reversible stage of membrane association, requiring Rab and effector(s) but not trans-SNARE associations.锚定一个初始,膜协会可逆阶段,需要饶和效应(s),但不跨的SNARE协会:。

9.This paper revises the mistakes of RBA-P and RAB -C algorithms, and gives a new method for network repabipty analysis.修正了RBA-P算法和RBA-C算法中的错误,提出了一种分析网络可靠性的新方法。

10.My teen years were marked by the common epithet "Camel Jockey" and the hit AM radio song "Ahab the A-rab. "“骆驼骑师”(CamelJockey)和调幅电台的热门歌曲“AhabtheA-rab”是我青少年时代人们通用的绰号。