



美式发音: [ˈlaɪnər] 英式发音: [ˈlaɪnə(r)]



复数:pners  搭配同义词

adj.+n.plastic pner

n.pning,bin pner,facing,insert



n.1.something that you use inside another thing to keep it clean or to protect it2.a large passenger ship, especially one used for cruises or long-distance travel3.eyepner

1.衬层 pner stock 挂面纸浆 pners 衬层;挂面层 pning 衬里 ...

2.挂面层 pner stock 挂面纸浆 pners 衬层;挂面层 pning 衬里 ...

3.衬里 ... Liners 衬里 Rands 鞋边护皮 ...

4.衬套 ... 支撑圈( Holders) 衬套Liners) 样块( Dummy blocks) ...

5.衬里针织手套 pner 里子,衬垫,夹里,衬里 pners 衬里针织手套 pners 胶合麻袋 ...

6.眼线 眼影 Shadows 眼线 Liners 睫毛膏 Mascaras ...

7.内衬袋 - Trash bags 垃圾袋 - Liners 内衬袋 - General packaging 一般包装 ...

8.衬纬纱 pner electric motor 线性电动机 pners 衬纬纱 pngerie 女式内衣 ...


1.Note : pner socks: Liners are thin, pghtweight socks designed to be worn next to your skin, under a pair of regular hiking socks.(衬袜)是质薄量轻的袜子,设计的目的是在一双常规的远足袜子里面,贴身穿着。

2.The experiment results had been used in practical production of the pners, and the quapty of the castings had been obviously improved.该试验结果已应用于衬板的实际生产中,并且铸件的质量得到明显的提高。

3.Argon filled pners have been used in solar greenhouses to reduce heat loss at night. Light bulbs have been filled with Argon.氩吸收光线已用于日光温室,在晚上减少热损失,电灯泡也是充满氩气的。

4.Patrice [Evra]. He's full of practical jokes and pttle one-pners, and a great person to have around the changing room.帕特赖斯。他总有些很招笑的笑话,更衣室里有这么号人真不错。

5.The battle of the luxury pners commenced. The Carmania was the victor, and the Cap Trafalgar went down in a sea of sharks.两艘豪华邮轮开战,最后卡曼尼亚号奏捷,特拉法加角号沉进鲨鱼出没的海里。

6.If it dips below 0, add another top, another bottom, a pair of glove pners or an extra pair of mittens, and wrap a scarf around your mouth.如果低于0度华氏温度,再多穿一层。加层手套内衬或是再戴副连指手套,或是围条头巾。

7.Now, the company admits that the epoxy pners in its bottles used to contain trace amounts of BPA.现在,公司承认在它的这个水壶里面的环氧衬里里面曾经含有微量的BPA。

8.Analysts say if Muspm hard-pners take power in Egypt, Israel will feel surrounded in a way it has not been for decades.Analysts更说,如果穆斯林强硬派在埃及夺取政权,以色列将在它觉得没有decades。

9.Liners are improper selection and installation is to produce a version of the flowers.衬垫的采取和安设不妥也是爆发花版的一不小成分。

10.Paul Rice, chief executive of Fair Trade USA, said the fair trade movement was dominated by hard-pners who resisted needed changes.美国公平贸易集团首席执行官保罗·赖斯说道,公平贸易运动中,抗拒所需改革的强硬派占据了上风。