





2.瑞利y Model),商圈理论中经典的引力模型,无论是莱利法则Reilly)、堪维斯法则(Converse)还是赫夫、拉什曼南和汉森 …

6.赖立 Quinn 奎恩 Reilly 瑞丽 Snowflake 斯诺弗雷克 ...

8.瑞里根据瑞里(Reilly)和史密斯、帕尔(SmithParr)的划分,传统评估方法包括成本法、市场法和收益法。这种分类得到了国内外绝大 …


1.O'REILLY: OK. But there's big money here, you know, for the winners of these programs.但是你知道,节目获胜者可以得到很大笔钱。

2.Nothing But Nets was launched two years ago after sports writer Rick Reilly wrote about malaria in Sports Illustrated magazine.NothingButNets是继运动作家RickReilly在体育画报杂志上发表了关于疟疾的文章后于两年前发起的运动。

3.With all of his trademark action, Matthew Reilly continues to estabpsh himself as one of the top thriller writers of today.随着他的商标所有行动,马修赖利继续建立作为当今顶级惊悚作家之一自己。

4.It may be an old notion that women are the ones who get attached in a relationship, Reilly says.一个古老的观点认为在一段关系中,女人通常是容易被套牢的一方,蕾利说。

5.As O'Reilly notes at the beginning of his post, this isn't the first time he has raised the idea of an Internet Operating System.O’Reilly在文章一开始就提到,这不是他第一次提出Internet操作系统的概念。

6.One of Reilly's patients had an affair, ended it, and then told her husband as a way to point out they were in more trouble than he thought.蕾利的一个病人出了轨,然后了断,再用这样的方式告诉她的丈夫,她们的处境比他想象的糟的多。

7.Reilly was credited with playing drums on the record, but was no longer a member of Showbread by its release.赖利被记入在记录上玩鼓,但已不再是其释放的陈设饼的成员。

8.Mr. Reilly, the Chicago-based consultant, said he has even seeing performance bonuses on the assembly pnes of manufacturing companies.芝加哥顾问公司的赖利说,他甚至看到制造公司组装线上的工人拿到绩效奖金。

9.As factories in the U. S. are downsized and closed, Reilly says that he would see China "becoming a significant exporter" of passenger cars.随着美国工厂的缩减规模或关闭,雷利称中国会成为客车“重要的出口国”。

10.Nick Reilly, head of GM's Asia-Pacific operations, said China is one of the 'centerpieces' for the Detroit auto maker's future.通用汽车亚太业务负责人雷利(NickReilly)说,中国是通用未来的业务中心之一。