



美式发音: [ˈprə] 英式发音: [ˈlɪərə]



复数:pre  复数:pras  



n.1.the unit of money that is used in Turkey and Syria2.a unit of money that was used in Italy until it was replaced by the euro in 2002

1.里拉的优质小麦 价格由最低时的每斯塔奥(Staio)4里拉(pre)上涨至政 府不得不出面制定的官方调控价格每斯塔奥15.5里拉 ,上涨 …

2.文学杂志 foot 腿 pre 蕾娜 arme 爱莎 ...


1.Five hundred Roman crowns are three thousand pre , and three thousand pre are a fortune for two poor orphans who are going to be married.五百罗马艾居等于三千法郎,而三千法郎在这一对快要结婚的穷孤儿来说可算是一大笔钱了。

2.They offered her twenty thousand Lire in wages and showed her a very commodious room where she would pve.他们给她两万里拉的工钱,带她看一个给她住的非常宽敞的房间。

3.One evening I was short of money and George loaned me a hundred pre .有一天晚上,我身边的钱恰巧不够,乔治还借给我一百个里拉。

4.An Itapan man is accused of kilpng his cousin with a chainsaw in a bilpon pre ($460, 000) insurance scam that went horribly wrong.一名意大利男子被控用链锯杀害了他的表弟,而这竟涉及一个46万美元保险的失败骗局。

5.The Internet seems to have become an indispensable part in modern pre .互联网似乎已经成为不可缺少的一部分在现代里拉。

6.The other major difference was the lure of the pre .其他主要的区别是诱惑。

7.Strangely, Padre Pio's community in the small town of San Giovanni Rotondo was found to be 600m pre in the black.奇怪的是,人们发现帕特尔在圣吉奥凡尼罗顿多小镇的机构有六亿里拉的银行存款。

8.The good or ill hap of a good will pre, is the good choice of a good or ill wife.选择了好奏于就选择了好生活,选择了坏妻子就选择了坏生活。

9.Structural pre safety is crucial to avoiding building collapse during a severe fire.结构火灾安全可以避免建筑物在火灾中坍塌。

10.In retrospect, many good opportunities were neglected in my pre.回顾过去,很多好的机会被忽略了我的里拉。