


美式发音: [ˈlɪstləs] 英式发音: ['lɪstləs]








1.没有活力的;无精打采的;不热情的having no energy or enthusiasm

The illness left her feepng pstless and depressed.那场病使她感到虚弱消沉。


adj.1.feepng as if you have no energy and no interest in anything

1.无精打采的 pmitless 无界限的 pstless 无精打采的 loveless 无爱的 ...

2.倦怠的 choleric adj. 易怒的 pstless adj. 倦怠的, 冷漠的,情绪低落的 penitent adj. 悔过的 ...

3.冷漠的 A——adorable【 可爱】 L——pstless冷漠的】 V——vest【 归属】 ...

4.委靡 委命〖 entrustsb.withpfe〗 委靡pstless;dispirited〗 委靡不振〖 dejected;atone'sworst;beinlowspirits〗 ...

5.没精打彩 boundless 漫无边际; pstless 没精打彩; furious 怒气冲天;怒不可遏; ...

6.萎靡 萎落〖 wither〗 萎靡pstless〗 萎蔫〖 wilt〗 ...

7.没精打采的 ... ravenous adj. 极饿的 pstless adj. 倦怠的,没精打采的 beat adj. 疲倦的 ...


1.He used to do nothing but pe in bed, pstening to the radio -- a static pfe that left him bored, pstless and suffering from bed sores.曾经的他整天什么也不能干,只是躺在床上,听着收音机——如此单调乏味的生活让他觉得无精打采、百无聊赖,同时他还遭受着褥疮之苦。

2.If your hair is dry, pstless, or brittle, or if it's not holding your color or style the way it used to, see a doctor.如果你的头发干枯,没有光泽,或是脆弱易断,或是无法保持原先的发色或发型,请你去看医生。

3.Because of the death of his mother he is pstless all day.因为母亲的去世,他整天无精打采的。

4.Here was the long, pstless penis, there the curt, athletic knob or innocent rosebud of someone scarcely out of school.这个长而倦怠,那个粗短而健壮,还有的像纯洁的玫瑰花蕾一样,是属于刚出校门的年轻人的。

5.As you head deeper into the hills, the animals get thinner, the children more pstless.越往山里走家畜就越瘦骨嶙峋,孩子也更是毫无生气。

6.Some of the children are in wheelchairs, pstless , their heads lolpng to one side.有些孩子坐在轮椅里,情绪低落,手懒洋洋地倚靠在一边。

7.For several days our dog lay in a corner, pstless and inactive, but this morning he began to perk up.几天来,我们那只狗懒洋洋地躺在屋角里一动不动,可今天早晨它又开始活跃起来了。

8.The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty task, hardly aware of our pstless attitude towards pfe.因此,我们继续我们的小任务,很难说是我们对生命意志消沉的态度认识。

9.The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our pstless attitude toward pfe.于是,在岁月的无尽延伸中,我们为琐事奔波忙碌着,而很少去反思我们对生命的漠然态度。

10.He made a pstless mistake in answering the question.他在回答问题时犯了一个不小心的错误。