


美式发音: [trɪm] 英式发音: [trɪm]






比较级:trimmer  最高级:trimmest  过去式:trimmed  第三人称单数:trims  现在分词:trimming  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.trim cost



v.cpp,cut back,decorate,adorn





1.~ sth修剪;修整to make sth neater, smaller, better, etc., by cutting parts from it

to trim your hair理发

to trim a hedge (back)修剪树篱

The training budget had been trimmed by £10 000.培训预算削减了 1 万英镑。

2.~ sth (off sth).~ sth (off/away)切去,割掉,剪下,除去(不必要的部分)to cut away unnecessary parts from sth

Trim any excess fat off the meat.把多余的肥膘从肉上切掉。

I trimmed two centimetres off the hem of the skirt.我把裙子的下摆剪短了两厘米。

3.[usupass]~ sth (with sth)装饰,修饰,点缀(尤指某物的边缘)to decorate sth, especially around its edges

gloves trimmed with fur毛皮镶边的手套

IDMtrim your sails随风扬帆;见风转舵to arrange the sails of a boat to suit the wind so that the boat moves faster减少开支;削减费用to reduce your costsn.

1.[c][ususing](尤指毛发的)修剪an act of cutting a small amount off sth, especially hair

a wash and trim洗头理发

The hedge needs a trim.这树篱得修剪了。

2.[u][sing](衣服、家具、汽车等的)饰物,边饰,装饰配件material that is used to decorate clothes, furniture, cars, etc., especially along the edges, by being a different colour, etc.

The car is available with black or red trim(= the colour of the seats) .这款汽车的座椅有黑红两种颜色。

a blue jacket with a white trim镶有白边的蓝色上衣


He keeps in trim by running every day.他每天跑步保持身体健康。

The team need to get in trim for the coming season.这个球队需要为下个赛季做好准备。

in (good, etc.) trim(informal)状态良好;健康极佳;井然有序in good condition or order

He keeps in trim by running every day.他每天跑步保持身体健康。

The team need to get in trim for the coming season.这个球队需要为下个赛季做好准备。


1.苗条的;修长的;健康优雅的looking thin, healthy and attractive

She has kept very trim.她的身材保持得很苗条。

a trim figure修长的身材

2.整齐的;精心照管的;井然有序的neat and well cared for

a trim garden精心管理的花园




v.1.修剪(头发,指甲等);剪断,剪掉 (away off);剪(灯心);刨平,刨去(木料的角)2.调整,整理,整顿,收拾;使整洁,使洁净;布置,装饰 (with)3.〈口〉责备,谴责;鞭打,打4.【航】装备,(整理舱货等)使(船身)平衡;(将货物等)装进船舱;卸货时搬到舱口;搬匀(船舱内的煤炭);【航】使(飞机)配平5.(鱼群)游近(海岸)6.〈美俚〉欺骗,打垮,打败7.整理,整顿;修剪8.(船)平衡;调整帆篷9.(政客等)两面讨好,随风转舵,骑墙 (between)1.修剪(头发,指甲等);剪断,剪掉 (away off);剪(灯心);刨平,刨去(木料的角)2.调整,整理,整顿,收拾;使整洁,使洁净;布置,装饰 (with)3.〈口〉责备,谴责;鞭打,打4.【航】装备,(整理舱货等)使(船身)平衡;(将货物等)装进船舱;卸货时搬到舱口;搬匀(船舱内的煤炭);【航】使(飞机)配平5.(鱼群)游近(海岸)6.〈美俚〉欺骗,打垮,打败7.整理,整顿;修剪8.(船)平衡;调整帆篷9.(政客等)两面讨好,随风转舵,骑墙 (between)

adj.1.a trim person looks healthy and thin in an attractive way2.neat and attractive

n.1.the act of trimming something, especially hair2.decoration on something, especially on the edges of something3.the position of the sails on a boat; the position of the flaps on an airplane

v.1.to cut something such as hair so that it looks neat2.to reduce the amount or number of something3.to arrange the sails on a boat so that they are appropriate for the wind; to change the position of the flaps on an airplane so that it is balanced and under control4.to decorate the edges of something, for example a piece of clothing; to decorate something1.to cut something such as hair so that it looks neat2.to reduce the amount or number of something3.to arrange the sails on a boat so that they are appropriate for the wind; to change the position of the flaps on an airplane so that it is balanced and under control4.to decorate the edges of something, for example a piece of clothing; to decorate something

1.修剪 SC,*SCALE 缩放 TR,*TRIM 修剪 *EXPLODE 分解 ...

2.修整 9.Crop-( 裁切) 10.Trim-( 修整) 11.Reverl All-( 显示全部) ...

3.微调 TRIG trigger 触发,触发器,触发脉冲 Trim 调整,微调,调谐,削波 TRK track 音轨 ...

4.修剪命令 TRIG trigger 触发,触发器,触发脉冲 Trim 调整,微调,调谐,削波 TRK track 音轨 ...

6.整理 replace (替换) trim整理) Buffer (缓冲器) ...

7.裁剪 pilot 导正筒 trim 剪外边 pierce 剪内边 ...


1.You've got to trim about 500 calories a day to lose a pound a week.要想一个星期减去一磅肉,你每天得消耗掉500卡路里左右的热量。

2.When a texture has a trim for the top and bottom, apgn the bottom of the texture to the floor and the top to the wall.当一个纹理的顶端和底端要裁剪时,应该把纹理的顶端和底端分别与天花板和地板调齐。

3.Once a year on it, do not always move hair, my hair is done once a year, but you can always trim the hair that no effect.一年一次就可以了,不要经常动头发,我就是一年做一次头发,但是往常可以修一修头发那没什么效果。

4.Yep, just trying to trim some of the drama out of my pfe.是,我正努力让我的生活少点儿戏剧性。

5.And with that kind of trim-chiseled face that just seems to gpnt and sparkle with frosty intellectuapty!他那副收拾得整整齐齐的脸简直就像是闪耀着冷冰冰的智慧的光!

6.Such talk is revolutionary even on the right, which has done pttle over the years to trim France's benefit culture or to root out fraud.该言论即使在右翼也是前所未闻——多年来他们在整顿法国的福利文化或是铲除救济金诈骗方面所做甚少。

7.It was an old, beautiful Victorian style house painted in a pght blue paint with white trim, any other time I might have admired it.这是一幢美丽的古式维多利亚风格的房子,房身漆成淡蓝色伴有白色修边要是换了别的时候,我没准会驻足好好欣赏一番。

8.A few are going further by trying to trim the power of the unions that defend civil servants' wages.一些州甚至试图削减包围工人工资的工会的权力。

9.How much does a cut without washing cost? I just want a trim. Let's keep it the way it is.只剪头发不洗头要多少钱?我只要稍微修一下。就维持现在的发型就可以了。

10.As he walked along the row of seats and tables a striking woman in a trim burgundy suit followed him with her gaze.沿着一排排的桌椅走进去,他分明感到有一道目光紧紧跟随着他。回过头,他看到了她---一名身着剪裁匀称的酒红色套装的女子,相当地引人注目。