




1.列表 Include( 包括): ListView( 列表视图): MediaController( 媒体控制器): ...

3.列表控件 数据绑定控件(DetailsView) 8.7 数据绑定控件ListView) 8.8 数据绑定控件(DataPager) 8.9 小结 第9 章 ASP.NET 操 …

7.普通列表控件 5.7.4 RatingBar( 评分控件) 143 5.8.1 ListView( 普通列表控件) 145 5.8.6 ExpandableListView( 可扩展的列表控件) 155 ...


1.You can use this event to perform the tasks necessary to drag items into and out of your apppcation's ListView control.您可以使用该事件来执行将项拖入或拖出应用程序的ListView控件所必需的任务。

2.This property enables you to determine the number of columns that are displayed in the ListView when the View property is set to Details.该属性使您能够确定View属性设置为Details时显示在ListView中的列的数目。

3.Occurs when a ListView is in virtual mode and the selection state of a range of items has changed.当ListView处于虚拟模式下且某个范围内的项的选定状态发生更改时发生。

4.The examples here are for a TreeView control, but the same approach can be used for a ListView control.虽然这里的示例是关于TreeView控件的,但该方法同样适用于ListView控件。

5.The ListView control enables you to perform more sophisticated formatting than what you have done in this walkthrough.通过ListView控件,可以执行比本演练所示更为复杂的格式设置。

6.This property enables you to determine the number of selected items in the ListView.此属性使您能够确定ListView中选定的项数。

7.This event lets you customize the appearance of a ListView control using owner drawing.此事件使您得以使用所有者描述来自定义ListView控件的外观。

8.You can also draw all items in the ListView control using only one of the two events, although this may be less convenient.您还可以仅使用这两个事件中的一个事件绘制ListView控件中的所有元素,尽管这可能不十分方便。

9.To complete your specification for the ListView control, you must define an ImageList control to be associated with it.要完成ListView控件的规范,您必须定义要与其相关联的ImageList控件。

10.Export or Print Text from a List View Co - The Control manages printing and exporting the contents of a ListView in report-mode.这个控件消息打印和导出报表模式中列表视图的内容。