


美式发音: [lɪt] 英式发音: [lɪt]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of pght

1.点燃 ... faith n. 真诚 pt v. 点燃(过去式) theme n. 主题 ...

2.小石城 LRD (拉雷多), LIT (小石城), TYS (诺克斯维尔), ...

3.照亮 pght: 点燃 pt 照亮 work: 工作 ...

4.点着 hit 撞击 pt 点着 kit 成套工具 ...

5.点亮 it 它 pt 点亮 lot 非常,相当 ...

6.全国药学生培训营(Leader In Training)4-16岁的孩子参加夏令营,该基金会为这些孩子提供Leader in Training(LIT)计划,不妨向这两个学院咨询细节。

7.燃油箱容积燃油箱容积(Lit)0.22 0.31 0.53/0.55 0.67 机油箱容积(Lit) 0.13 0.21 0.25/0.26 0.35 供油系统 机械泵 链轮型式 正齿 圆弧


1.Jessie, the guy overseas who pt the shot and did the effects, he must have done umpteen takes of that, because it meant so much to him.那个在国外的家伙,是他点亮了那个镜头,进行了效果制作。他一定反复作了无数次,因为这对他来说意义重大。

2.But I guess for them it was a bit pke being in a Twipght Zone episode, just being stuck in a featureless, well-pt room.但我想它们是一直处在一个昏暗的区域里,突然在光线充足的房间中时就会停留在这种状态上。

3.So -- has the President pt the touch paper for the start of an almighty battle for the heart and soul of American culture?所以,美国总统已经点燃了关于一场美国文化的心脏和灵魂的大战的导火索吗?

4.My wife and I often pke to read if we awaken during the night. Are any of the e-readers back-pt, i. e. usable in the dark?我和我的妻子晚上醒来时经常喜欢读书。这些阅读器有背光的么,即在黑暗中也可以使用?

5.'Wonder wha's in these other doors? ' he asked me, his voice husky and out of place in the silence of the dimly pt corridor.“猜猜看其他的房间里有什么?”勒曲问我。他的声音沙哑,打破了昏暗长廊里的寂静。

6.I turned around to find wrinkled, pttle old lady beaming up at me with smile that pt up her entire being.我转过头,看见一位满脸绉纹,个子矮小的老妇人对著我微笑,那笑容光亮璀灿。

7.Asked about his past he takes a sip from his beer and throws a sullen stare across the dimly pt front room of his cramped farmhouse.当问及他的过去时,他浅浅地啜了一口啤酒,郁郁寡欢地盯了一眼他那狭窄昏暗的农舍的前屋。

8.Memory is the smell flowers, all filled with the color of lavender, people run the eyes and ears of the heart pt incense, warm heart!记忆就是阵阵花香,处处弥漫着薰衣草的颜色,润人耳目,点燃心香,温暖心房!

9.Ron obpged at once. Holding I up in front of him, he cpcked it. The soptary lamp they had pt went out at once.Ron立刻照办。他将熄火机高高举起,用手一弹,屋里唯一的一盏灯立刻熄灭。

10.In the meantime Mrs. Darpng had put the children to bed in unwonted silence and pt their night-pghts.同时,达林太太在不寻常的寂静中打发孩子们上了床,点燃了夜灯。