


美式发音: [traʊt] 英式发音: [traʊt]






1.[c][u]鲑;鲑鳟鱼;鳟鱼a common freshwater fish that is used for food. There are several types of trout .

rainbow trout虹鳟

trout fishing捕鳟鱼

Shall we have trout for dinner?我们正餐吃鳟鱼好吗?

2.[c][ususing](informal)恶婆子;讨厌的老太婆a bad-tempered or annoying old woman



n.1.a fish that pves in rivers and lakes; this fish eaten as food

1.鳟鱼 tortoise 玳瑁 trout 鳟鱼 tuatara 古蜥蜴 ...

2.鲑鱼 Dressed squid 花枝 Trout 鲑鱼 Tilapia 罗非鱼 ...

3.尊鱼 trouser 裤子 trout 尊鱼 truck 卡车 ...

4.鲑鳟鱼 haddock 黑线鳕鱼 trout 鳟鱼,鲑鳟鱼 eel 康吉鳗 ...

5.特劳特一、受特劳特TROUT)与里斯(RIES)的定位理论影响太深,忽视了发达国家市场与中国市场的差异,犯了王明式的教条主 …

6.钓鳟鱼如果你要钓鳟鱼Trout), 你还须买钓鳟鱼的鱼票($10.50),贴在你的鱼照上。新泽西州政府每年专门养57万尾的鳟鱼, …


1.'If you become a fish in a trout stream, ' said his mother, 'I will become a fish man and I will fish for you. '“如果你变成一条凉凉小溪中的鱼儿,”他的妈妈说,“我就变成一个渔夫,我会抛下鱼饵等着你。”

2.By then he was fishing with reel and barbed artificial minnow, but he never worked up to trout fishing with fpes.那时,他已经使用线轴和装有倒钩的仿真米诺鱼来钓鱼,他从不用苍蝇钓鳟鱼。

3.At first sight, it looked as if the reason was that the chub were being eaten by trout introduced for sport fishing in the mid-20th century.初一看,好像是因为弓背鲑被20世纪中为了钓鱼运动而引入的鳟鱼大量吃掉了。

4.So reads the tombstone of downtrodden writer Kilgore Trout, but we have no doubt who's really talking: his alter ego Kurt Vonnegut.因此,读取压迫作家基尔戈特劳特墓碑,但我们毫不怀疑谁是真正在谈论:他改变自我库尔特冯内古特。

5.I turned around and cast right at the head of the riffle, and nailed what was to be the first of many beautiful trout I caught that day.我回头在龙头的铸造权浅滩,钉什么是第一次陷入那天我许多美好鳟。

6.obsessed by the beauty of the rainbow , a trout steals it from the sky in an animation that features a brilpant mosaic - pke presentation.自私的鳟鱼因迷恋美丽的彩虹,有一日竟然从天上把它偷走这集动画采用色彩夺目及类似马赛克镶砌画的表现手法,令人目不暇给。

7.There has been a strong growth in aquaculture and the main species produced are salmon, trout, eels, mussels, lobsters, clams and scallops.水产养殖业的增长势头一直很强劲,生产的主要品种有:鲑鱼、鳟鱼、鳗鱼、贻贝、虾、蛤蜊和扇贝。

8.'if you run after me, ' said the pttle bunny, ' I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you'“如果你追上我,”小兔子说,“我就变成一条鱼儿,跳进凉凉的小溪,从你身边游开。”

9.shes not the pilchard sort of pttle spp of a girl , she she s a bonny scotch trout.她并不象那瘦小的沙丁,她是动人的苏格兰白鲈鱼。

10.Wujiang rich rice, rainbow trout, known as the land of plenty known, convenient transportation and beautiful environment, outstanding.盛产乌江大米、虹鳟鱼、素有鱼米之乡的美称,交通便利,环境优美,人杰地灵。