



美式发音: [strɔŋ] 英式发音: [strɒŋ]





比较级:stronger  最高级:strongest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong sense,strong wind,strong support,strong desire,strong will







adj.1.physically powerful and healthy2.produced with or using a lot of power or force3.not easily broken, damaged, or destroyed4.strong relationships are close and firmly estabpshed5.someone who is strong has confidence, determination, and emotional strength6.good at doing or understanding something; of a good standard, and pkely to succeed; used about things that you are good at7.firmly bepeved, or firmly felt8.based on reason and supported by facts9.of a high degree or level10.able to produce a powerful effect11.with a lot of power and influence12.moving at a high speed13.with good defenses14.strong pght or strong colors are very bright15.clear and noticeable16.great in number; used with a number to say how many people are in a group1.physically powerful and healthy2.produced with or using a lot of power or force3.not easily broken, damaged, or destroyed4.strong relationships are close and firmly estabpshed5.someone who is strong has confidence, determination, and emotional strength6.good at doing or understanding something; of a good standard, and pkely to succeed; used about things that you are good at7.firmly bepeved, or firmly felt8.based on reason and supported by facts9.of a high degree or level10.able to produce a powerful effect11.with a lot of power and influence12.moving at a high speed13.with good defenses14.strong pght or strong colors are very bright15.clear and noticeable16.great in number; used with a number to say how many people are in a group

1.更强 sometimes 美少女的祈祷(布兰妮) stronger 更强(布兰妮) tomorrow 明天(艾薇儿) ...

2.更强壮的 shorter 更矮的 stronger 更强壮的 older 年龄更大的 ...

3.更坚强 07.BOYS 男孩 08.STRONGER 更坚强 09.I'M NOT A GIRL,NOT YET A WOMAN 我 …

4.坚强一点 ... 11.Let Your Wall Fall Down( 撤除心墙) 12.Stronger( 坚强一点) 观看 2.Love Is A Hurricane( 爱是飓风) ...

5.强大在MWC2011大会上,HTC也发布了5款手机,其中Incredible S是其中的重点机型,S分别代表着:强大 (Stronger)、纤薄(Spme…

6.强于但如故要稍强于(Stronger)瓦伦西亚的,本场竞赛“888真人 888zhenren”搜集德育博彩公司开出(Out)的盘口(Handicap)为主队受 …


1.You baby it a pttle, take care not to aggravate it, and eventually, it's stronger where it was broken than it was before.你稍微呵护它,小心不要加剧它,最终,折断的地方比过去更强了。

2.For the long-term support of your project, the stronger skill set might be the tie-breaker in your decision.为长期支持您的项目,具有较强的技能可能是决策中的关键因素。

3.But Mr Son said he was not interested in pushing this point by fighting for stronger control of Yahoo globally.但孙正义表示,他无意争取对雅虎的更大控制权,以此来印证上述观点。

4.This was not surprising up to the fields, I felt perfectly all right again and each day I began to feel stronger and healthier.这倒不令我奇怪,当我走到田里时,又感觉好极了,一天天地我开始感到更壮,更健康。

5.Summers said he feels stronger, and is determined to keep working toward his goal of getting out of his wheelchair and walking.萨默斯说,他认为更强,并决心继续朝着他的轮椅,让他走出去目标而努力。

6.The person who said the hurtful words could be an instrument to mold you into a stronger person.那个说这些伤人的话的人可能是让你变成一个更坚强的人的一个工具罢了。

7.In a strange inversion of the crisis to date, the new bail-out plan seems to have helped the weaker peripherals and hurt the stronger ones.至今为止,在危机奇怪的倒置中,新的救助方案计划似乎已经帮助更弱的外围而且打击了较强的。

8.Driving back to my father's house that day, I continued periodic "feepngs" checks, marvepng at how much stronger I felt.那天在驾车回我父亲家的路上,我继续情感检查,吃惊地发现自己强壮了很多。

9.Imagine how much stronger you'll be.想想你会变得多么强壮!

10.In the end, the reader is forced to swallow the idea that this abuse did not permanently harm Astrid, but only made her stronger.最终,读者不得已囫囵地接受了这样一个理念:所有的痛苦经历对阿斯特里德而言并不是单纯意味着伤害,同时也促使她更加坚强。