




1.印第安人 法国人 the French 印度人 the Indians 加拿大人 the Canadians ...

3.印度诸国 ... 东罗马帝国( The Eastern Rome Empire) 印度诸国The Indians) 阿拉伯部落联盟( T…

4.十个印地安人 03 Busy Bees 繁忙的蜜蜂 04 The Indians 十个印地安人 05 Where is Thumbkin? 哪儿是 …

5.印地安原住民早期北美洲的印地安原住民The Indians)习惯在除夕夜当天在部落的集会广场上升起熊熊大火,所有的族人都会绕著营火载 …


1.But whatever prickpness the Indians may have with the US, conversation has never been a problem.然而,不管印美关系多么棘手,双方之间的对话从来不是问题。

2.On her way back, on a Saturday evening in June, when she was almost here, the Indians captured her. No one ever saw her again.在回家路上,那是六月份一个星期五晚上,几乎就在这里,几个印第安人把她抓了去。

3.The Indians used to put their ears to the ground to hear a distant noise!在过去,印度人常常把耳朵贴在地上来获取很远地方传来的声音。

4.although the pilgrims had not met the indians since their arrival, they were afraid of the indians.虽然这些朝圣者在来的时候并灭有遇到过印第安人,但是他们害怕这些人。

5.Utah was all Mormon, except for the Indians, and the U. S. wouldn't make it a state because of polygamy.犹他州之前除了印地安人外,都是摩门教徒,而且美国以前因为一夫多妻制不准许犹他州设州。

6.For it was his contention that they were the Indians beyond the Western Mountains, and on this subject he would talk endlessly.他的看法是:他们就是西山背后的印第安人,一谈到这个题目他就滔滔不绝说个没完。

7.For a long time I brooded over the idea of making a canoe of the trunk of a tree, as the Indians do, and at last set to work at the task.很长一段时间我反复思量的制作了一个树干独木舟的想法,作为印度人,最后设置工作任务。

8.Health and the Indians as economic underdevelopment was that primitive pfe unpleasant, but I do not feel that.恰象有人认为不开化的印度安人经济不发达、生活不愉快一样,但我不这么想。

9.The Indians don't even understand why we think of it as a problem because most people in India fill two or three gallons every time.印度人民根本不了解为什么这是一个问题,因为大部分人在印度每次只加2到3加仑汽油。

10.When the Indians fought and killed white people they said that this proved that Native Americans were wild and had to be controlled.当印第安人抗击和杀害白人时,他们说这证明美洲原住民野蛮成性,必须实行管制。